2020 SEO: 15 Techniques To Increase Organic Traffic To Your Site

Colorful diagram of rocket and the letters SEO

The reports of SEO death are greatly exaggerated, and we have fifteen ideas that you can adapt to your blog to increase your organic traffic and get the most out of your SEO potential for 2020.

1. Be Aware of Easy to Rank Opportunities:

Good robust seo takes time to develop, but you can streamline in the meantime by staying on top of your easiest ranking opportunities; consider these the low hanging fruit.

Pay attention to your brand, understand your brand, and use the organic keywords associated with it.

After organic keyword identification and deployment, be sure your blog has high quality and unique content on each page.

Again, think of this as a maintenance process – you want your living space presentable and your blog space, too.

2. Improve User Experience Across Your Entire Site:

A satisfying experience means returning to clients and client referrals. Word of mouth is the most unbeatable type of advertising you can get; it’s free.

Tips for improving the user experience – begin with quality content, quality means relevance.

Did your visitor find the information for which they were looking? Ask for feedback. Create a comments list and star rating system – they will begin to generate traffic.

3. Boost Your Click-Through Rate; Write Killer Titles and Descriptions:

It’s been said never to judge a book by its cover, even though we are drawn to read an article with a compelling headline or are pleased when we find a title that contains the exact words for which we were looking.

Again, the clearer in your mind the brand vision, the easier this will be to do.

4. Invigorate Traffic to Your Blog by Recognizing Content Gaps:

A rule-of-thumb in the marketing profession is this, “If you think you don’t have any competitors then you don’t know your market.”

Think of content gaps in the same fashion; if you think you don’t have them then you haven’t looked hard enough, there are more than a few organic keywords you are missing – find them and use them.

You know you have competitors, go to their sites and see their approach to the subject. Good artists borrow, great artists steal and increase their organic traffic.

5. Create More Internal Links to Boost Weak Performing Blogs:

Similar to number 4, above, ensure you know which of your pages are weak, which are sound and why.

Underperforming blogs have several things in common. They tend toward vagueness because they aren’t focused on the brand message.

They also tend to suffer from lazy writing habits and lax editorial standards. Keep your brand in mind when reviewing your blogs – are they carrying the message you intend?

In addition to editing and tightening your message, you can boost these pages by adding relevant internal links. This technique will maximize boosting power.

6. Invigorate Stale Content by Rewriting & Updating:

Again, similar to number five, but this is the entire point of your enterprise, to keep your material relevant by staying with the times.

What’s awesome about the technique is that you are continuously improving your editing technique and your blog relevance at the same time you are expanding your knowledge base.

No one should be able to resist a three-fer (3 for 1)!

7. Be Ready to Experiment:

Face it, you’re a creative. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be blogging, so creativity is in your blood. Switch around your writing or editing style a bit, imagine those organic keywords that are always still out there.

You don’t have to overhaul the blog in one fell swoop, start with a couple of posts, and monitor the results. You can find other ideas here.

8. Build a Variety of Backlinks:

Backlinks are a stable of the blogging community and the more of them you have, the more traffic you generate.

Make connections in your community, ask people if they would like to guest blog on your site and you can guest blog on theirs.

This kind of cross-pollination not only works for the parties involved; it grows the knowledge base as well. You can find a suite of ideas on this subject here.

9. Build Backlinks to Revitalize Your Underperforming Blogs:

Consider backlinks as backbones. Backlinks are links from any website to your own and improve your organic ranking. Ensure that your backlinks come from quality websites. More here.

10. Build Links by Seizing Your Competitors’ Dead Pages:

Get out there and snoop around. dead links abound so take advantage of the fact. Let then blog owner know of the dead link and offer your link in its place.

It may be a bit brazen but, hey, you are the one helping to keep your fellow blogger’s content fresh so you should get first dibs on increasing your organic traffic via backlinks.

11. Transform Mentions to Links:

Unlinked mentions of your brand mean you are getting noticed. Someone familiar with your ideas or products has gone out of their way to mention the exceptional quality of your brand in their article.

The link provided also lists apps that can help you locate unlinked mentions, and this will allow you to pursue and potentially turn those mentions into links.

12. Boost Authority of Your Moneymaking Blogs with the Middleman Method:

Meat and potatoes time. Of course, you have fun blogging; it’s interesting as you continuously learn new things and it’s creative which is also kind of a thrill, but if you want to start reaping some financial benefit from your activities then it won’t happen if your blog is a blatant advertisement (meaning rude and unhelpful).

The middleman method allows you to link to informative content pages that then contain a link to the sales page.

Instead of the hard sell, you are providing a pathway through quality content that allows your reader to make their own decision.

13. Gain Featured Snippets:

Featured snippets appear in the Google drop-down list when you enter a search term. Enter any number of the organic terms you have associated with your blog and see what shows up.

There is a plethora of snippet finding tools available. Make use of them and improve your organic traffic.

14. Be on the Lookout for Image Theft:

A vitally important consideration for your blog is the use of infographics. Infographics have been shown to increase traffic to a site significantly.

However, all your time and effort that went into generating your unique graphic should be protected.

Downloading images from the web is incredibly easy and always very tempting for new bloggers.

Some people don’t realize that this practice is, in essence, stealing. Use Pixsy to keep tabs on your images. This highly rated site has a free account setup.

15. Use the Best SEO Tools:

There are many SEO sites out there, but among those, we have found to be among the best are Ahrefs and moz.

Ahrefs is a one-stop-shop for researching the information key to your site’s success. Some of their many tools are Backlink Research, Keyword Research, and Competitive Analysis, to name a few.

The site is easy to navigate, and they have a pricing plan for just about any budget.

Like Ahrefs, Moz is another analytical service that allows you to perform in depth research on your brand, also requires a subscription.

Another traffic monitoring tool is SEMrush. SEMrush allows you to gauge the amount of search traffic a website draws, which keywords sites are ranking for, and the volume of traffic sent from each keyword.

It also shows you a list of all competitors. SEMrush is highly rated in PCMAG Reviews.

BuzzSumo is an online tool that lets you locate the most popular posts on any blog by topic in real-time.

It is relatively new to the arena but is already making a substantial impact; which is a good source for keeping tabs on the competition.

SimilarWeb has a free version you can use to get estimates of how much traffic a site receives quickly. However, it also has a load of other features that you may find useful as well.

SEOlium is a new tool that tracks the rank of your keywords and your competitors’ keywords so that you can fine-tune your SEO strategies.

Keeping all this in mind we should wrap up by emphasizing the importance of knowing how to measure your SEO performance. Your organic traffic will only be as good as your SEO.

If you are serious about increasing traffic then familiarizing yourself with the terms and tools mentioned in this article is a must.

Furthermore, the more effort you put into your planning and research the better your results will be.

Many of the sites we have recommended have excellent tutorials and some outstanding free features. Avail yourself of them and watch the organic traffic to your site increase month on month.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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