Top Five Travel Blog Content Ideas

Travel Blog Content Ideas

One of the things that people have in their bucket list is to travel at least once. As a travel blogger, this is your opportunity to share your experiences and tips with people who would love to see other cultures.

However, it can be a little challenging to write about different places all the time, as this entails you have to travel a lot.

To help you in reaching out to your audience, here are five travel blog content ideas where you can draw inspiration.

  1. Destinations
  2. Ultimate Guides
  3. Photo Diaries
  4. How-to Articles
  5. Travel Secrets

Let us discuss each one to get you started writing!


Writing about destinations do not have to be drawn from your experience. You can write about places that you plan on visiting, and then elaborate on the specific areas that you want to visit in that particular place.

You can also put a little focus on history, or the reason you want to go there. For instance, tasting the food, watching a festival, or looking at scary and macabre curiosities.

You can engage your readers by writing “versus” articles, like Hawaii Versus the Caribbean.

In an article like this, you should be able to present photos, events, things to look forward to, budget, hotel, food, and many other things that travelers need to know. In the end, ask them what they prefer or ask them to vote.

You can also provide a listicle, like the Top Five Bars to Visit in Germany, or Top Animals to See in Africa. If you do this, don’t forget to justify why people have to see these places and explain why they are unique.

What you want is to draw attention to is the experience, and provide enough information to your readers so they can make an informed decision.

Ultimate Guides

Part of what is recommended for travel blog content ideas are guides.

An ultimate guide is a long-form article. Be prepared to write everything there is to know about a particular place and share your findings with your audience.

When writing an ultimate guide, you need to provide a brief background about the place, like its history, and why it has become a tourist destination.

You need to take your reader from the beginning of the journey to the end, which includes packing your clothes and unpacking them by the time you arrive home.

Here are some key points you must include:

  • Packing – tell the readers what items are accepted and banned in the destination country
  • Plane – what airlines are the best to take? Discuss the prices and the level of comfort, plus how long the journey takes from where you came.
  • Arrival – how does the airport look? If there are two possible airport landing options, which one is better? How far is the airport to your recommended hotel?
  • Transportation – give your readers advice on what to take to get to the hotel. Tell them if they should book a car transportation service or if it is safe to take local public transport.
  • Hotel and food – what hotels are the best to book? Since you cannot schedule all of them, write small reviews about them and tell what other travelers experienced from various hotels. Include the availability of safe drinking water and restaurants in the area, including costs.
  • Places to visit – what areas must people see, and how do they get there? Explain the costs and why they should see these events. This section is also the part where you tell them what time of year it is best to visit that city or country.
  • Souvenirs – discuss where to find good bargains and places where people can buy mementos.
  • Going Home – talk about how fulfilling the experience is, and provide the human touch about how tired you are, or how you are still smelling the breeze from the beach you visited.

Photo Diaries

A photo diary is like a coffee table book. It is an album comprised of photos that will take your readers on a journey as if they are with you.

Each photo must have a short caption, or maybe two to three short sentences explaining something that people cannot see in the picture.

For example, why some people dress that way or what fun experience you had in riding a local transportation method.

The photos must be sequential, and it is a great idea to start your photo from your packing to the airplane on your way home.

How-to Articles

These articles must be focused on helping people rather than sharing your experiences. You can draw inspiration from your experience, but you must be able to point out relevant details about solving a problem.

These articles must be beneficial to your readers. Examples are:

  • How to travel safely
  • How to fold clothing to fit in a luggage
  • How to buy airline tickets online
  • How to save money on hotels and food when traveling

Keep the articles short and always use bullet points or numbered orders to help your readers remember your tips easily.

Travel Secrets

Travel secrets must be taken from your own experience, and the secret must be something people would typically never find in social media.

For example, you can write about a small local restaurant that is never featured in any magazine. You can showcase the country’s street food or local restaurants that have a local following.

You can also feature tips about transportation where the travelers can save money, instead of renting a car.

Travel secrets are much appreciated because these are things that people never knew, and they will be thankful to you for sharing your knowledge with them.


Travel blogging is an exciting niche, and you have the opportunity to be a master source of information. Use your experiences and your connections with other bloggers to get ideas.

If you choose any of our travel blog content ideas, write about things that interest people. Always make sure that they get value from the articles you publish.

What this means is that you should always provide tips that they would never have figured out had they not traveled to that place.

In essence, you must make the reader understand, in a subtle manner, that you took the risk for them.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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