The Top 3 Blogging Topics That Make Money

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Blogging is one of those lucrative endeavors that can make you a ton of money if only done right. There are countless methods to monetize a blog, but the ultimate question is: what are the blogging topics that make money?

Just because you want to write about your life does not mean you can make money off it. If you’re going to blog for a living, the very first thing you have to ask yourself is: why should people be interested?

Generally speaking, almost anything can make you money, provided that you have an audience, and that you are solving a problem.

Surely, you can blog about political topics or opinions, and despite this topic not really solving anything, you are reacting to something that is profoundly and emotionally rooted in people.

As such, if you have gained massive traffic and if you can sustain it, money should come next.

In addition, you must only blog about issues that you are comfortable writing. By general standards, here are some of the things you have to consider to help you determine if a topic can make money by blogging.

The topics must be interesting or must solve a problem – this is how you get an audience.

There must be products sold in the market related to what you are blogging about – you can never make money without selling.

To make money off a blog, you either sell someone’s products, you advertise their products, or you sell your products.

Of course, you can always ask for donations. But this is in no way a guaranteed way to earn an income.

To make it easier for you, we have accumulated some of the most popular blogging topics that make money.

Physical Health and Beauty Niche

Everywhere you go, people will always be interested in how they can look better, lose weight, gain weight, or build their bodies.

This niche includes how to be beautiful so you can cover topics such as make-up application, lipstick selection, and so on.

You can also cover health issues such as heart diseases, kidney problems, alternative medicines, and food supplements.

The physical health and beauty niche has millions of potential reach. The good thing is that there is a ton of products out there that you can either endorse as an affiliate or advertise on your page.

Wealth Building Niche

Almost everybody wants to be wealthy. The problem is, they do not know how. This niche covers a lot of aspects such as personal finance, investing, putting up a business, and so much more.

One thing you have to be careful about is that people will typically look for credentials in this topic before they decide that you are a reputable source.

If you use your name to write the blogs, you have to be able to convince people that you wealthy, as it is ironic to be teaching people to become rich when you have no money, or if you have no degree in any finance-related course.

Pets Niche

People love animals, and this is a billion-dollar industry. In the pet niche, you need to be able to cover some of the most critical aspects of taking care of a pet.

You can also categorize your blog according to the animal such as cats, dogs, reptiles, or birds.

Besides, you can narrow down your focus to the different breeds. Or if you want, just focus on dogs, how to train them, how to take care of them, and anything else related to having dogs as pets.

Summary of The Top Three Blogging Topics That Make Money

These topics are by far the most saturated blogging topics that make money.

And because they are over-saturated niches, you need to be able to dig deep into different categories and find a specific sub-niche that will serve a particular interest.

Cover physical exercises. In this case, you need to drill it down. Is it for women? Is it cross fit?

Once you find this specific niche, you can start writing meaningful posts about them that help people.

And then, you can start looking for products that you can endorse, or companies who will be willing to advertise on your blog.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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