3 Ways On How To Make Money Food Blogging

Three dishes of Chinese dumplings and soup on table

There are successful people out there how turned their passion for food into a profitable business. No, they did not put up a restaurant; they put up a food blog and found ways to make money from it.

If you love food, then the next step to writing a food blog is to earn from it.

Here, we will show the different ways on how to make money food blogging, provided that you already have what it takes to generate revenue from it.

Sell Recipe eBooks

A recipe is something that a food blog cannot do without. While you are providing your input about the foods you have tasted, it is also a must to provide guidance to your audience how they can put food on that table.

Whether you are specializing in baking or cooking, your customers will definitely look forward to improving their skills in the kitchen.

The approach to this is to put up free recipes on your blog, but keep the meaningful activities that are important to succeed in cooking. Also, try to save the best recipes and do not post them for free on your website.

Then, offer a recipe that not only has instructions on how to prepare dishes, but also meaningful activities such as how to blanch properly, or how to preserve vegetables and fruits or meat.

These are the things your customer will be buying because they will be paying for an education that comes from an expert like you.

The FitTastetTic Foodblog is a great example of a food blog that targets an audience specifically interested in healthy eating. It also has the added bonus of being bilingual, seamlessly switching between English and German.

Advertise Restaurants

The second way on how to make money food blogging is to advertise restaurants on your blog. This is likely going to be your bread and butter, but it will also take some work from you. There are several ways to do this.

The first one is to find restaurants in the place where you live.

You, as a blogger, have the control to make your website appear in your local area, and you can ask restaurants to advertise for a specific banner size on your page.

You set the rates and the conditions, but you need to be able to convince the restaurant owner that it is worth it.

The second method is to use an advertising plug-in, something that you install on your website, or use Google Ad Sense.

You can also register in ad networks and place a code in your website where the ad networks will automatically show ads related to your niche.

Review Restaurants

The last way on how to make money food blogging is to do restaurant reviews and get paid for it.

This works as a sponsorship where you send a cold email to restaurants around you, or even globally, and then get paid for writing a review about them.

This is a bit tricky, as your ethical standards may be put in question.

It is prudent to only review restaurants that you have been, and restaurants whose food you really like. Remember, you are getting paid to do it, so your credibility is at stake.

Summary of Food Blogging

Remember that you are not likely to monetize your blog unless you have a massive following. Your credibility is measured by the number of visitors you get per month.

So, instead of focusing on making money, your first objective is to add value to your readers.

This requires creativity, and this means that you have to put content that your readers are not likely to find somewhere else. Be original, and always put yourself at the shoes of the reader.

Once your credibility and authority are established, then that is the only time you can start implementing plans to make money.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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