5 Simple Steps To Increase Your Domain Authority

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Ownership over your own domain name is imperative for your business. In order to have control over your business website, you need to invest in a quality domain name for visitors to easily find. 

Scoring a high domain authority takes plenty of patience. As a business owner continues to add valuable content to his or her business website, domain authority will rise. 

These are five simple steps to increase domain authority today. 

1. Only Write Quality Content

One of the first steps to gaining higher domain authority with your website is to include quality content

The quality content you post should have a few key elements, such as long and descriptive text, images, internal links, and external links. It’s important to upload on a consistent basis, too.

Google learns to place value on your website if you continuously upload new content a few times per week. 

Keep your target audience in mind and establish a good routine to post new content each day. Be sure to provide value to your audience, too.

The value you add to your website in the form of long-form high-quality content can be anything from city travel guides, if you are a travel blogger, to the best tips for booking airline tickets. 

The niche of your business matters whenever you hit publish on a brand new post. Don’t neglect your website and believe that you’ll see a dramatic increase in domain authority overnight. 

2. Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly?

Did you know that more people are searching the web on their phones these days than by desktop computer?

Mobile search is your friend when you consider boosting your domain authority and following this next simple step to achieve more page visits. 

Mobile commerce continues to soar and you need to stay up to date on the best strategies to market your business online.

Having a mobile-friendly site means more people will shop through your website and read your blog posts on a regular basis.

Over half of all organic search engine visits are from mobile devices. Talk to an expert to optimize your site as soon as possible to engage with more users. 

3. Increase Domain Authority with the Help of Social Media

Building up your website while simultaneously plugging it on various social media accounts will be a winning combination. 

Of course, you need to be smart with your SEO plan and follow practical steps to integrating the right content marketing tools to boost your DA ranking.

However, the social media aspect will get you plenty of referral traffic. 

Over 3 billion active users will be on social media by the year 2021. Get connected with your readers by interacting with them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Pinterest. 

4. Remove Bad Links

Something to consider as you make strides to give your website a much-needed overhaul to increase domain authority is to get rid of bad links.

What are some examples of bad links?

These hyperlinks found within the content of your site are links that lead to bad sites or are broken.

Removing bad links from your website will help you achieve a better DA score. Spending time removing toxic links from your content sounds tedious, but it will pay off in the long run. 

5. Utilize Guest Blogging

One final step to increase domain authority involves guest blogging. Take advantage of the writing skills of people within your niche.

Talk to some professionals and ask him or her to participate in crafting a guest blog to add to your blog.

These guest posts are great ways to include links within your blog that can provide your site with examples of trustworthy content. 

Are You Starting a Blog?

You must understand the concept of online content driving your business.

Quality content is just one step to improve your DA score. 

Pay attention to these five simple steps to increase domain authority for your site today. Keep returning to this blog to learn more about content marketing and SEO for your business.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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