Moz Pro – Simplifying SEO With A Suite Of Tools

SEO with a Suite of Tools

What is Moz?

Moz is a search engine optimization company that provides tools for webmasters. Moz started out way back in 1981 when there was no internet yet, focusing its efforts on print design. Over the years, Moz developed into an internet marketing company, with a strong emphasis on SEO. 

Moz is the company that started the Domain and Page Authority ranking system, also called DA and PA. Today, Moz offers a full suite of seo tools, including Moz Pro, which we will talk about in detail.

Moz has free services, and it has Pro services. The Pro service is paid and offers its users more tools to drive SEO. Pro is paid monthly or annually.

What Comes with the Moz Pro Plan?

All types of plans come with six standard features. 

MozBar Premium

This is the toll bar that you have to integrate with Google Chrome. With this tool, you can easily research page elements of websites that you visit. Armed with this information, you can view the quick stats of that website, or see keywords on search engine result pages.

Multiple Search Engines

Google is not the only search engine, and many people prefer using Yahoo!, Bing, and others. If you want to rank your website not just on Google, Moz provides you with keyword analytics and SEO tools that crawl and track these search engines.

SEO Insights

As an SEO tool, Moz Pro does not only give you analytics, but it also provides you recommendations about what to do. The recommendations include the right keywords to use, what issues are found on your website and how to fix them, and what action plans to take to rank your web pages.

1 on 1 Walkthrough

If you are not an SEO expert, you will receive a walkthrough from Moz. This is a tutorial where you can learn how to use the tool, what it can do for you, how to navigate it, and how each part of the tool works.

24-Hour Online Support

If you have a question, Moz customer service representatives are available via chat 24 hours a day. Just send your questions and they will review your account and issue. You will be guided accordingly on how to fix the problem.

Moz Forum

A forum is great if you want to hear feedback or about the experiences of other Moz users. It is a big community of people who have the same interest, and you can get a lot of information here. Take advantage of this forum as it is a great resource of knowledge from people, not only the Moz staff.

Not only can you ask questions about how to use the tool, but you can share your experiences and get feedback in case your SEO action plans are not working, or if you have ideas that you want to be validated.

How Much Does Moz Pro Cost?

Moz Pro comes in four plans. The plan types and their prices are shown below:

  • Standard – $99 per month
  • Medium – $179 per month
  • Large – $249 per month
  • Premium – $599 per month

If you want to pay annually, you can save up to 20%. Below are the prices for the annual plans:

  • Standard – $79 per month
  • Medium – $143 per month
  • Large – $199 per month
  • Premium – $499 per month

Take note that for the annual plan, you will be billed for 12 months. If you are just starting out and you really want to focus on SEO, use the Standard plan at $99 per month. If you have the budget to pay for a year, take the $79 per month and pay $950 for the year.

What Features Can I Expect from Moz Pro?

Let us take a look at the different features and benefits of the Pro plan. 


A campaign is a URL that you track, plus three other URLs—your competitors’. Depending on your plan, you can have between 5 and 50 campaigns. What this means is that for five campaigns, you can track up to five URLs. This is great if you are operating several blogs. If not, you can use this plan if you offer SEO services to your clients.

Keyword Rankings

A blog does not have only one keyword. It is likely that you are using a lot, and you want to rank for a lot of these. Moz Pro can track keywords of your choice.

With the Standard Plan, you can track up to 300 keywords. If you want to track more, you have to upgrade your plan. The Premium plan can help you track up to 4,500 keywords.

This keyword tracking tool tells you what your keyword ranking is. For example, if you are targeting to rank the keyword “how to grow abs”, Moz Pro will show you your rank not just on Google but on other search engines.

Pages Crawled 

Moz Pro will crawl a maximum of 20,000 pages per campaign in the Standard plan, and higher as you upgrade. The pages crawled are the source of data to determine your position, your ranking, and how the URL you are tracking is compared.

If the competitor you listed in your campaign has more than 20,000 pages, then not all of those will be tracked anymore. 20,000 pages is a lot to track, especially if your website is new. Also, the 20,000 pages tracked is good for a week, not a month.

What this means is that you can refresh the reports on a weekly basis, and you can draw action plans based on the new statistics that you see on your SEO report.

Keyword Queries

A Keyword query is different from a keyword campaign. On keyword query, you are asking Moz Pro what keywords to use for your post.

The tool will recommend keywords for you, and these recommendations are based on numbers. The tool will tell you if the keyword has a high search volume or not, and this should serve as your guide in choosing what keywords to use in your blog posts.

With the standard plan, you can have a maximum of 150 keyword queries per month. At most, you can have up to 30,000 keyword queries if you are in the Premium Plan.

Scheduled Reports

You can program the tool to send a report to you on a weekly or monthly basis. This report contains an overview of how your website has performed. This works great if you are busy, as you no longer have to log-in and view the report yourself.

You can also create branded reports and use the templates of Moz Pro to create personalized reports. A branded report means you can replace the Moz logo with yours. This is great if you are offering SEO services to clients and you are using Moz Pro as your main business tool.

User Seats

User seats refer to staff accounts. With the Standard Plan, you can have a maximum of two users, including yourself. The number of user seats ranges between 2 and 40.


Overall, Moz Pro gives you value for your money. At $99 per month, you can focus your efforts on SEO and get hard numbers to see the results of your labor.

Moz Pro is great for bloggers who are hell-bent on ranking in Google and other search engines. It is also one of the best tools you can use if you are offering SEO services.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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