7 Super Simple Ways To Attract More Readers To Your Blog

Attract More Readers to Your Blog

People would naturally advise you to use SEO to attract readers to your blog. Well, SEO is not a way to attract people; SEO is a pillar of every blog post.

Attraction works differently. If you do a search for anything on Google. Your blog post may find its way to the first page, say, the seventh spot. But how is it going to attract the reader to click your link?

And what else can you do to attract more readers to your blog?

Here are a few recommendations:

  • Write catchy titles
  • Share your content
  • Market your content
  • Use Infographics
  • Show “Wow” results
  • Target people’s emotions

Seven ways, seven traffic sources. Let us take a look at each one and find out how to get it done!

Write Catchy Titles

Your title is your headline. The title is the first thing that copywriters master in their craft. If your blog post is shown on the front page of Google, what are the chances that the person looking at that SERP would click your post instead of the others? 

Catchy titles possess principles used in news writing. If you look at tabloids and newspapers, you would realize that catchy titles use bold claims, which can be misleading sometimes.

Here are some examples: 

  • Use numbers like listicles – 7 Best Ways to Build Abs
  • Offer a solution to a problem – Use This Method to Get Rid of Love Handles in as Short as 5 Days
  • Use verbs that are actionable – Do These Exercises to Build Powerful Biceps
  • Suggest a way to do something – The Best Foods to Eat to Boost Your Immune System
  • Teach people how to do something – 4 Daily Exercises to Burn Fat

What you are thinking is correct: you have to find a balance between being real and using clickbait. A catchy title is something that promises something to a reader. 

Share Your Content

Sharing your content is different from marketing your content. Sharing means just that—sharing it on social media.

Share your posts in places where your target audience hangs out. Use facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Snapchat, Tik Tok, and other platforms.

All you need to do is to click that share button to publish your blog posts on these channels. To make it easier, find a plug-in that automatically shares your post to these channels.

That way, all you need to do is to post your blog, and then the app or plug-in would automatically share it. You no longer have to post your content on these channels one by one.

What does this do? 

Sharing your posts reaches more people. Do not get frustrated if you are seeing slow growth here. It is normal, and it really takes a while to get followers online. 

Market Your Content

Marketing your content has something to do with actively participating in forums. You can do this in Facebook groups, forums like Quora, and other online places where people congregate.

You can answer questions, and then you can leave your link somewhere. Be careful when marketing your content this way, as many forums frown upon marketers. They can sniff a marketer from someone who genuinely wants to help. 

When marketing your content, focus on helping people, not marketing your blog posts. People who like your responses will eventually take a look at your profile, and that is where they would find your blog URL.  

The other way to actively market your blog post to attract more readers to your blog is to advertise. You can advertise on Facebook, Quora, or Google. On Google, paying for keywords means that Google will prioritize your content over others and put it on top of the search engine results page.

On FB and Quora, your ad must have either an image or a video. Capitalize on this and make it attractive. Create a headline that gets attention to increase your click-through rate.

Use Infographics

Using infographics is one of the best types of images that you can create to attract more readers to your blog. 

You do not need to learn how to use Photoshop to make one. There are many tools out there where there are thousands of infographic templates for you to use. All you have to do is to replace the icons and the texts. 

Infographics are easy to understand. And since they are visual, they are more attractive than plain text. People love seeing art, and an infographic is one of the easiest forms of art you can use to attract a reader to click your post.

Since an infographic must be short and sweet, use snippets in your infographic, but make sure that you provide the reader with a link where to read the entire post.

Post your infographic on social media channels, not your blog. 

Show “Wow” Results

People love results. One way to attract more readers to your blog is to tell readers what these results are and what they can do to achieve them. 

We have discussed this earlier in the section for creating attractive headlines, but let us dig deeper. 

Results must always have tangible figures. For example, you can make a more attractive blog post if you say “Lose 20 Pounds Every Week” rather than just saying “How I Lost Weight in a Week”.

The phrase “20 pounds” is a tangible result. People who are looking for weight loss guidance are more likely to click on this title than the latter. 


Because of the promised result. It immediately comes across their minds that “whatever this may be, it caused someone to lose 20 pounds, and I want it, too.”

Target People’s Emotions

Remember what we said about clickbait earlier? Target people’s emotions to make your blog post more attractive.

Here are examples of people’s emotions and how you can target them in your writing: 

  • Greed – 5 Ways to Earn $1,000,000 in Ten Years
  • Fear – Six Reasons Why You Should Cash Out Your Stocks Now 
  • Love – 4 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Your Children

As you can see, this is subject to debate. Your moral principles are going to be at play here. But as long as you are not spreading lies and not offending people’s sensitivities, you should not feel guilty. 

Write Relevant and Unique Content

While there really is no unique content because there are about four million blog posts written every day, you can still put a spin to your content and make it unique.


Make it personal.

Instead of writing “How to Lose Five Pounds”, write “How I Lost Five Pounds in a Week”. Of course, you should never lie. If this is not possible because you have not seen the results yet, then simply write about your experience or the progress of your exercise regimen.

Relevancy simply means you have to write about what your target audience is likely to respond to. It does not make sense writing about seo techniques if you are in the health niche.  


Remember, SEO is just a way of getting your foot in the door. To attract more readers to your blog, you need catchy headlines, emotionally stirring words, unique, relevant, and personal content, and most importantly, you need to grind it by marketing and sharing your posts on social media.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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