Three Ways To Take Advantage Of Blog Posting Services

Blog Posting Services

As a blogger, you must maximize your content and your online presence. You can do this in several ways, like participating in forum sites, posting your own articles, and many more.

But there are three other ways you can do this through blog posting services:

  • Guest posting
  • Ghostwriting
  • blog outreach

Today, we will discuss in detail how these three differ from each other, and what you can expect from each of them.

Guest Posting

A guest posting service is a process or partnership where you ask another blogger to post on your blog or vice versa. You want to do this because you want your readers to see new content from another blogger.

The only set back here is that this guest post will undoubtedly require a backlink to the blogger who posted to your blog.

What happens is that the guest post writer will write an article for you for free, and in exchange, he can put links to his website. The reader can click on this link, and naturally, he will be taken off your blog.

It is better to do this the other way around, where you write an article and post it on another person’s blog. Some of these bloggers will charge money, and you can pay as little as $5 or $10.

In exchange, you can post the article with links that will take the reader to your original blog, and therefore drive more traffic to your site.

This is a common practice, and usually many bloggers who belong to a group do this for free. If you want to post on another blogger’s page, you must be willing to give something in return. It can be money, or you and the blogger can swap posts. Make sure to credit the writer on the byline.


Another way to pay for blog posting services is through looking for ghostwriters. In this set-up, you’ll find a writer who understands your niche and hire him to manage your blog site.

Most of the time, you have to supply the ghostwriter with topics and keywords. This ensures that the content that he writes is the one you like and the one that fits your goal as a business person.

Think of this set-up in a manner where you are the publication editor, and then you assign your writers topics that you think people are interested in reading.

The places where you can find writers are mostly in online freelance marketplaces. It is better done this way, as you are protected as a buyer.

If you are unhappy with the result of the written materials, you can file a dispute and ask the freelance website customer service to cancel the transaction. The typical cost of each article is around $10, with other writers charging more.

Be careful about prices, as you typically get what you paid for. Low prices usually mean low-quality articles.

It is always better to pay higher than lower as this guarantees that the article you paid for has compliance with high standards of writing.You can also find writers who know how to do seo, and this means that you are getting two services in one.

However, these services are much more expensive because you will be paying for the SEO efforts, too.

Here are some of the things you need to check if you would hire a ghostwriter:

  • Plagiarism – there are bad writers out there who would blatantly copy and paste articles from another website. To ensure that you do not go through this headache, you must have access to an anti-plagiarism tool like CopyScape.
  • Grammar – as the owner of the site, you surely do not want a writer who has serious grammatical errors. If you are also unsure and you do not want to check the article manually all the time, you can use a software that will do it for you like Grammarly.
  • Style – writers have different styles. Some are straightforward, while some beat around the bush. You must hire the first one because you are paying per word. Amateur writers have the tendency to blabber useless statements because they are only after meeting the word count. Hire writers whose style benefit your readers.

Ghostwriters do not need attribution. What this means is that you can post the articles under your name. Also, you own 100% of the article, and the writer cannot publish it somewhere else.

Just make sure this is mentioned in the contract because there are writers out there who ask for more money if you want 100% copyright on the material.

Blog Outreach

Some companies offer blog posting services that will help you boost your rankings. These companies have access to thousands of blogs where yours can be linked, and therefore improve your traffic.

These websites only require that you pay for the service. What they would do is to write the article, look for blogs similar to your niche, and then do the guest posting. This is an excellent service because the whole process is time-consuming.

If you do it on your own, you have to write the article, look for a page on your website that will be linked to, submit your blog post to editors, and so much more. You are better off spending your time in marketing, looking for products, or making your customers happy.

There is no exact cost or price for services like this. If you want to get one, you have to contact the company and ask for a quotation. Surely, you will be paying more money than hiring a ghostwriter.

However, you can rest assured that the services you get are from marketing professionals who understand how website traffic works.


You should get blog posting services so you can free up some time for yourself. This is especially important if you are in the affiliate marketing business, as you need to spend your time looking for products to sell and make a profit.

It also applies if you are operating a drop shipping or retail website where customers order your products.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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