3 Affiliate Marketing Tips – How To Stand Out From The Crowd

affiliate marketing tips

Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative online businesses. It is also one of the most difficult to implement. Those who have heard about it may think that it is easy because that is how the so-called gurus perpetuate the idea.

But once you get started, you will immediately realize that getting traffic is hard enough, much more so with getting someone to click your affiliate links and buy.

There are hundreds of thousands of affiliate marketers out there, so how will you stand out? Today, I will give you three affiliate marketing tips that will help you rise above your competition.

These three tips are:

  • Create great content
  • Choose a niche that is unique
  • Treat it like a business

Let us get started!

Create great content

What is great content?

Great content s something that provides value. The ultimate question that you have to ask yourself is: what value is your audience looking for?

One of the mistakes that affiliate marketers make is that they just produce content, such as reviews, that offer no value at all.

I am not saying that a product review is wrong. But it is usually done wrong. If you want to create a listicle of products, you have to tell your audience what makes these products highly recommended.

The thing with many affiliate marketers is that they only spout useless information, such as product features. These things do not help users. What you have to do instead is to go through the many things a product can do and explain how it will benefit the consumer on your blog.  

No, you do not need to have a blog as an affiliate marketer. There are many ways you can be an affiliate marketer without a blog. What matters is the content you publish. By the time the user is done reading or watching your content, he should have learned something new.

Keep the following in mind when creating content:

  • Helpful – it solves a problem
  • Educational – the user must have learned something new that he is not likely to have figured out himself
  • Informative – you have to give details as much as you can; try to anticipate what questions your users could possibly have.

Great content should be informative, helpful, and educational. This is why many YouTubers succeed as Amazon affiliates. They buy the real product, test them, and show the results of the tests to their audiences.

This is a tad difficult to do. If you have a blog, you may need the help of an affordable writer to do the articles for you. You can also do it if you want to but writing content will significantly eat up your time. And then you still have to spend some time doing marketing and all that stuff.

Plan your content, get a writer to do it for you, and make sure that they are spot-on in providing great value to your users.

Choose a niche that is unique

Affiliate marketers are dime-a-dozen. There are so many affiliate marketers out there. From blogs to YouTube channels to forums, they are everywhere.

So, what is going to make you stand out?

Choose a niche that is unique.

I have seen many successful affiliate marketers who have channels on YouTube or those who have blogs that offer great content for specific users.

When I say unique, I do not mean being the sole provider of that content. What I mean is that you should have a specific subject matter.

Here are some examples:

  • Bonsai
  • Drone hobby
  • Flyfishing
  • Boats
  • Recreational vehicles
  • Specific kinds of plants like succulents

You are not the only content provider for these niches, but you are one of the few. This is what makes you unique, and you are better off focusing on these niches that are underserved.

If you have a specific skill, then make use of that. I have seen YouTubers who have millions of followers because they offer a unique skill.

Here are some examples:

  • Wood sculpture
  • Clay sculpture
  • Woodworking
  • Wood carving
  • Epoxy resin art

As you can see, you will get followers on your channel who are really interested to learn from you. and because they learned from you, they are likely to buy the items that you offer on your blog or channel. And this is how you can make a sale from your affiliate marketing links.

For example, in every clay sculpture blog or tutorial you post on your YouTube channel or website, include the materials that you used, like the sculpting tools, the clay, the aluminum foil, the oil, the paint, and all other stuff.

For these materials, put your affiliate link where the users can buy them. It is likely that you will offer Amazon affiliate links for these. If the person who consumed your content decides to buy, he is not likely to buy somewhere else. He will use your affiliate links and you will earn money.

Treat it like a business

Many affiliate marketers fail to stand out from the crowd because they do not treat it as a business. What do I mean by this?

Take a look at how businesses operate:

  • They know their expenses
  • They serve their customers
  • They listen to feedback and improve
  • They study their competitors
  • They evolve to server their market

As you can see, you need to do all these if you want to stand out from the crowd. One of the reasons many businesses succeed is that they study what their competitors are doing. They either catch up, or they create something better.

As a business, your two main focus areas are:

  • Customer satisfaction – we discussed this earlier in creating great content. Your product is not the product that you offer, but your content. If your users are happy, they will trust you and buy your product recommendations.
  • Competitor analysis – you need to understand what others are doing in the same niche. Make something better, or create content that others have not created yet. You have to watch your competitors’ channels or read their blogs.

As an affiliate marketer, your audiences see you as an expert. If other affiliate marketers offer a better experience than you do, you will lose sales.

You need to account for your expenses, too. Before you offer a product, you have to ask yourself how many sales it will take to get money from that.

This is the reason why you should not be an affiliate of a product where you will receive less than 20% commission. The only exception to the rule is if you can sell a high volume.  

Summary: affiliate marketing tips 

Before you get started with affiliate marketing, you have to carefully understand how it works. It has the potential to make you a lot of money, but it is not a walk in the park.

The three affiliate marketing tips that I gave you today are high-level. You need to focus on these three to help you stand out from the crowd.

Make sure you start a business in the right niche—a niche that you know and care about. Treat it as a business, and make sure you create great content that serves the best interests of your target market. 

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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