Twitter SEO: How to Optimize Your Tweets for Higher Search Rankings

Twitter SEO

Twitter posts, like Facebook and Quora posts, also rank on Google. As such, it would do you well if you could rank your Twitter posts as it can increase your views and follower count. People may also share your tweets with others. 

But how do you do this? Since Twitter is not a search engine, the usual SEO approach does not apply. Today, I will show you several methods by which you can improve your tweets with the goal of ranking them in search engines.

1. Optimize Your Profile Bio

Twitter allows you to write something about yourself in your bio or profile. Use this opportunity to place keywords that you want to rank for. It works best if you already have an established brand or if you are using a name that people are likely to search for. 

What you want to do here is create a relevant bio that is keyword-rich. Forget about slogans and sales pitches—what you want are keywords that match your products or your services. You must highlight your identity and services in your bio.

If you are a brand, like Nike, you certainly want to use the word “Nike” in your bio. However, if you are a service provider or blogger, you have to use relevant keywords on your profile. Examples are “blogging enthusiast,” “blogging expert,” etc. 

In essence, you can use the same branding techniques for Instagram. Of course, you must use your name in your profile. Do not use pseudonyms like BadGirl0306. 

If your name is Jane Smith and you are a blogger, use Hane Smith as your username. If your name is already taken, just get creative with it and add more words or numbers. 

2. Use Hashtags

Relevant hashtags are essential in a tweet because search engines crawl them. Audiences are also more likely to find you if you put hashtags in your tweets. 

A hashtag is a way for users to find content relevant to it. If you used the hashtag #makemoneyblogging and I clicked on it, I will see all tweets about the make money blogging space.  

What you want to do now is maximize your hashtags. Keep the hashtags unique and also simple. Long hashtags are difficult to read. Also, make sure that you only choose hashtags that are also keywords and that they are relevant to your business.

Do not abuse your hashtag use as it makes your tweet confusing. Instead, limit your hashtags to three only. Do not use more than this, as your tweet will look spammy. 

I advise you to use these hashtags as if they are words, not just at the beginning or end of a tweet. 

For example, instead of simply typing #bloggers at the end of a tweet, use it in a sentence like “Excellent news for all #bloggers!

Lastly, choose a hashtag that is relevant to your industry. If you are in the blogging industry, it makes sense to use hashtags like #bloggers, #blogging, #SEO, etc.

On the other hand, it does not make sense to use hashtags like #cars or #dessert since they have nothing to do with your industry. Of course, the exception is a blog about cars or making desserts. 

3. Use Targeted Keywords

Use keywords not only in your bio but also in your tweets. Google scans the stream of tweets in the Twitter-verse, and you want your posts to get the attention of Google.

If you do this, you are helping search engines index your tweet better and faster. It makes it easier for the bots to identify the relevance of your tweet to a particular niche or industry. As such, Google can connect your tweets and what its users are looking for.

For example, if you are selling an online writing course, you can use keywords like “earn money as a freelance writer” or “writing course for beginners.” This way, Google can index that tweet and know that the content teaches people to make money online.

Do not tweet anything without using a keyword. It is a waste of the tweet and an opportunity to get your post to rank in search engines.

4. Engage Your Followers

Do not ignore your followers. As far as search engine optimization is concerned, engagement impacts how search engines view your tweet. 

If a tweet has a lot of engagement, then Google sees that as a positive signal—that the post has value to audiences.  

Although no one outside of Google knows how the algorithm chooses which tweets to rank, people who took a deep look found a correlation between Twitter engagement and its ranking. They found out that tweets that have a lot of comments are more likely to tank than those with few or no comments at all. 

So, how do you engage? Whenever somebody commented on your tweet, make sure you respond. Ask them questions or encourage them to converse with you.  

5. Embed the Tweet on Your Website

Why will you do this? If you embed tweets on your site, you increase its likelihood of ranking because Google can crawl it. 

It happens like this: whenever you tweet something on Twitter, it will appear on your website. Apart from saving time, you are giving Google a way to connect the content of your Twitter account with your website. 

Now, there are more than 500 million tweets per day. Google can’t find all those tweets. What you can do is to help the algorithm. 

When it crawls your site, it will know that it is a tweet. If it thinks it is relevant to what people are looking for, the algorithm will rank it in the search results.  

Summary: Twitter SEO

To improve your likelihood of appearing in the search engines, use the basic principles of SEO. Use relevant keywords. More importantly, engage your audience. 

Twitter is an excellent platform for discussion. A single post can be re-tweeted many times, and like other social media channels, you can use it to build influence.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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