Importance Of Purpose-Driven Content For Successful Online Business

Purpose-Driven Content

Purpose-driven content is essential for a successful online business to connect with people’s emotions. The content tells them what principles drive your business, giving them a reason to support you.

Today, I will show itemized reasons why it is crucial to do so. But, in the end, I hope you can find advocacy that you can support. From there, you can redefine your brand and expand your reach. 

Purpose-Driven Content Resonates with Values

Researchers say that 87% of buyers support a company because it advocates their beliefs. However, 76% of respondents said they would not purchase a company’s products if they found out that they support ideas contrary to theirs. 

One tangible example of this is the cancel culture. When people found out that toy companies used child labor in China, people were appalled. People took to social media and told others not to support these companies. 

On the other hand, a company like Tesla has massive support because of its advocacy to shift to renewable energy. Tesla is not the first company to make electric cars, but it is the most supported.

Purpose-Driven Content Advances a Cause

Once you have an advocacy, you are not only helping your brand grow—you are also making a difference in the world. 

For example, PUMA, a shoe brand, partnered with a waste management recycling company. They collect plastic bottles and convert them into shoes and clothing. These products are made almost entirely of waste materials.

The waster materials are converted into yarn, which PUMA uses to manufacture goods. This program converted 40 tons of plastic into new products. That is about 1.9 million plastic bottles that did not end up in the ocean.

Steps to Create Purpose-Driven Content

Below are how you can get started with a brand advocacy campaign. 

1. Understand why it matters

While it is evident that making a profit is your end goal, you need to dig deeper than this. Your brand is bigger than your pockets. The purpose is what makes your brand stand out from the rest.

One great example is what Dove is doing. It is advocating for women who have been left out. Their ads emphasize that beauty is superficial and that real beauty is skin deep. As such, their campaigns are focused heavily on positive body image. 

Once you understand the purpose of the advocacy, you can start planning how you want to interact with people and enhance customer loyalty.

Every advocacy has a deep cause, and it is this cause that you want to understand. Without understanding that cause, you will only look fake—that you are only using advocacy to advance your financial interests.

2. Find your purpose

Now that you understand the meaning of advocacies, you have to find yours and tie it with your brand. In our example about PUMA, they recycled plastic and turned it into a product.

Tesla, on the other hand, is reducing carbon in the atmosphere. They also know that fossil fuels will soon run out. It is a match to their product because they manufacture cars. 

As you can see, it does not make sense for a company like Tesla to end world hunger. Cars and hunger do not match. If Tesla chose that advocacy, people would not support it. 

You need to find a cause or advocacy that aligns perfectly with your product in this stage. For example, if you sell a product, you can advocate producing organic goods. If you have a software product, you can reduce energy usage or use renewable energy.

3. Support the cause

The next step in the process is to support the cause itself. You cannot advocate for something if there is no tangible proof that you really care. 

Find a way where you can work with them. You can begin by partnering with advocacy groups. You can start with donating or participating in drives. Take photos and videos of these and publish them on your social media.

At best, you must hire people from the public relations industry. Let them take care of the press release and social media posts. Your goal at this stage is to be active and be involved. 

From here, you can move forward and launch a project that you can call your own. You do not have to put up your own facility or technology to advance the advocacy. You can partner with an already existing firm like what PUMA did. 

4. Publish and measure the impact

The last step to take is to measure the impact of the advocacy on the company’s performance. Sales, of course, is your bottom line. Measure leading metrics and other stats In Google Analytics to know how your branding strategy works out. 

Here are some examples: 

  • Website traffic
  • Returning visitors
  • Sales 
  • Social media shares
  • Affiliate marketing sales
  • Brand mentions
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Customer repeat order or retention rate

These stats reflect the success of your branding. If you are not getting traction or progress, you need to go back to the drawing board because your message is possibly ineffective. It is also possible that you are not reaching out to the right people. 

Again, the success of your purpose-driven content also relies on your action. The mere mention of support for advocacy will not work. You need to toot your own horn, make yourself known, and show tangible results of your advocacies. 

Summary: Importance of Purpose-Driven Content for Successful Online Business

Purpose-driven content is what sets you apart from other businesses. With it, you promote values that resonate with people. As such, you can attract audiences and customers who never would have supported your brand.

Use purpose-driven content in your ads, “About Us” page, and press releases. People will be interested in what you have to offer, and they will be supportive of your cause to change the world.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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