5 Tips To Create Engaging TikTok Content

5 Tips To Create Engaging TikTok Content

TikTok has quickly risen to become one of the most popular social networking apps globally, with a remarkable 689 million monthly users. TikTok is a crucial platform for content creators to showcase their work, products, personalities, and ideas innovatively to a global audience.

However, due to the overwhelming number of videos and accounts on TikTok, producers must think outside the box to stand out among the millions of users worldwide. My top five suggestions for making your content attractive, engaging, and visible across the video-sharing platform are outlined below.

Tip 1 -> The Influence of a Hashtag  

Although it may appear tedious at times, including hashtags in TikTok posts may make or break the platform’s discoverability. Using hashtags strategically and at the correct times can 

help videos gain a lot of traction and reach a lot of new people. If content creators use trending hashtags, their work may be found on the Discovery page, which millions of people watch every day. TikTok promotes content that generates a lot of interaction and attention, similar to the algorithms used on Instagram and Twitter.

The TikTok algorithm becomes more familiar as more users react to and comment on specific postings. Additionally, articles on the For You page employ specific hashtags to show material to more likely demographics to appreciate and interact with the videos.

This is accomplished by artificial intelligence (AI) technology that mainly relies on personal information from users, such as location and internet searches. Above all, hashtags allow authors to observe and analyze what other users are publishing on the network without leaving the platform.

TikTok users may see which material is performing better than others and what trends or ideas have already been shared by looking at specific hashtags. All of this knowledge allows creators to plan to outsmart and strategic concepts and capitalize on developing trends.

Tip 2 -> The Importance of Consistency and Timeliness 

According to a recent study, the optimum times to post on TikTok are between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time and 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST). Around the world, engagement is at its peak during these hours, and consumers are consuming the most material.

Posting new videos during these busy times might increase visibility and result in more people seeing the content than at other times of the day. Regardless of what research shows, it’s crucial to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all answer for when to publish on TikTok.

Content providers must pay attention to where their followers are located and when they are most active. Additionally, uploading on TikTok regularly is critical for establishing an audience and getting material recognized.

According to Digital Marketer, posting one to three times each day ensures that followers see the information, potentially increasing audience size. Let’s not forget that the more content you share, the more chances you have to improve interaction and reach more people.

Tip 3 -> Be a Producer As Well As a Consumer 

On TikTok, watching videos is almost as crucial as creating original material. Content creators must also be active consumers to identify emerging trends and what makes films go viral. Engaging content ideas of creators can better understand what works well by monitoring and observing other users’ content on the social media site and then incorporating these features into their own ideas. TikTok is a platform that focuses on current events. One approach for content creators to develop their followers 

and expand their visibility on TikTok is to keep an eye on rising TikTok trends and create content linked to them. However, if producers want their trend-related work to be viewed as much as possible, they must post promptly while the trend/challenge is still hot and fresh. Most TikTok users are bored of seeing specific patterns and obstacles.

Tip 4 -> Put Your Own Spin On It 

On the other hand, for TikTok users, providing fresh and entertaining content is critical. According to trend experts, user-generated content (UGC) is expected to rise on the platform this year. User-generated content (UGC) refers to content people have made themselves, such as challenges, dance routines, recipes, and reviews.

Original videos are not only an excellent method for producers to promote their work, but they can also help them gain more influence on TikTok if their videos go popular or generate a swarm of recreations from other users.

Furthermore, most users prefer to follow authors that offer original ideas that are relevant to their interests, are ahead of the curve, or even pioneer new trends.

Tip 5 -> Consider The Big Picture 

Although TikTok has almost 700 million monthly active users, only 100 million are from the United States. With this in mind, content creators must think globally when creating their work. Many creators, for example, used TikTok to share content related to the 2020 presidential election in the United States.

Although this content performed exceptionally well in the United States, with some political videos receding over one million likes during this period, it did not necessarily resonate with viewers in other areas of the world who are uninterested in American politics.

If users want to maximize their engagement on the site, they should consider sharing information that appeals to a wide range of people around the globe. It’s no secret that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the world joined together in many ways.

Due to the pandemic’s relatability to a global audience, global TikTok users made a lot of content impacted by it. As a result of all of this, the #Pandemic hashtag has received over 3.2 billion views. This is only one example of how content makers incorporate global perspectives while creating content for people to consume and enjoy.


Whether you’re just getting started on TikTok or trying to hit a certain number of views, use these five techniques to boost your content’s engagement, following, and general visibility on one of the most popular social media platforms in the world.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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