Thrive Quiz Builder Review – Why You Should Use It

thrive quizz builder

The Thrive Quiz Builder is a plug-in for WordPress that allows you to create a variety of quizzes on your site to engage visitors, to discover what your customers want and to expand your email list.

Quizzes have been proven to be a great method to attract more prospective customers to your website and to keep visitors on the website longer. The Thrive Quiz Builder gives you the opportunity to design custom-made quizzes and is the best quiz creator we’ve seen yet.

This Thrive Quiz Builder review will dive into the long list of functionalities and features it offers, which include the following:

  • User-friendly platform
  • A/B testing
  • Powerful analytics
  • Dynamic results
  • Social badges
  • Branching logic
  • Opt-in gate and splash page
  • Affordable pricing

Some of the most influential websites in the world use quizzes to gain valuable consumer insight. As a result, a site can further offer content that resonates with the visitors landing on a page.

Business site owners can then create specific services and products that laser-target the needs of potential customers.

User-Friendly Platform

This plug-in is easy to use and doesn’t require a lot of technical knowledge.

When you first start using the Thrive Quiz Builder you’ll notice that you can use one of the ready-made templates or can create your own quiz from scratch.

The templates follow a certain structure while building your own from scratch gives you the chance to create your own structure.

The two templates available with the builder include:

  1. A template for social sharing (including a splash page, a quiz, and badge sharing)
  2. A template for list building (including a splash page, quiz, and an opt-in gate)

There are 4 main steps involved in creating your quiz, which include:

  • Step 1. Choose the type of quiz – Number, percentage or category
  • Step 2. Select the style of quiz – Dark blue, orange, light blue, minimalist, or lush
  • Step 3. Enter the quiz questions and the answers – Question types include open-ended questions, multiple-choice with images or multiple-choice with text buttons
  • Step 4. Create the results page – Customize the page to make it your own with the visual editor

There are 3 different ways to display the questions on the quiz including audio, video, or as text. Other options that can be added include a badge for social sharing, a splash page, and an opt-in gate.

The number of customizations available on Thrive Quiz Builder are virtually endless so it’s easy to make a quiz that blends into your website seamlessly.

A/B Testing

The Thrive Quiz Builder gives you the opportunity to do A/B testing on different variations. These testing features can be set up on the Results Page, on the Opt-in Gate or on the Splash Page. This testing will show you the variations on these pages that have the best rates of conversion.

  • Results Page – Get the best conversions and shares possible by finding the optimum layout and content.
  • Opt-In Gate – Discover which opt-in form is outperforming the others so that you can get the most sign-ups possible for your email list.
  • Splash Page – Get more people motivated to start the quiz by offering the best layout available.

Using the interface you can create test variations to quickly launch your A/B testing. You’ll find that there is a control version in the interface of your page. You can use the clone function to make variations.

To improve your conversions, simply create more than one variation by clicking on the “Clone” icon that you will see on the page dashboard.

This can all be done on autopilot as well. Use the autopilot test and the plug-in will eliminate variations that aren’t performing as well as others automatically. At the end of the testing, the design with the highest conversion rate will win out over the others.

Powerful Analytics

Receive the reports you need to find out how well your quizzes are performing. This quiz building plug-in generates reports for you with a simple click of a button.

Click on the “reports” icon found on the dashboard and then click on the overview followed by “Show report”. Choose from one of the 4 different options available, which include the following:

  • Reset Statistics – This will reset all of the collected statistics
  • Source – Choose the quiz results you’d like to see
  • Date Interval – This is the reporting period you’d like
  • Graph Interval – Choose from different interval periods including monthly, weekly or daily

There are 4 types of reports available including:

  1. Graph – Find out how many quizzes have been answered completely 
  2. Flow – Learn where visitors to the site decided to abandon the quiz
  3. Pie chart – Discover the percentage of answered questions.
  4. User report – This report tells you the result, IP address, date, and time, and social badge requests by users.

If you want to dig a little deeper into your analytics, simply click “View” to find out how many visitors answered the questions provided on the quiz. 

All of the information provided by these reports gives you insight into the visitors that are arriving on your site. There is no end to the types of valuable data you can collect by using a customized quiz on your website.

Dynamic Results

Use Thrive Quiz Builder to transform the results page data according to the result that the user achieved. The results will be shown to the users according to the quiz score they received.

This can be created with a dynamic content box added onto the results page. The content type is then triggered according to the parameters that have been set.

The dynamic content that you choose should be relevant and targeted to the interests of the visitors. This can be in the form of an affiliate product or service offer or a recommendation for a product or a service.

You can add any type of content here including buttons, sign-up forms, videos and images. This is a great feature for any website that is trying to generate leads or encourage sales in a unique way.

When setting up the results pages keep the quiz user in mind.

For example, if you have a dog training site and the result shows that you have a visitor with a biting dog problem, you may set up your results page to show different blog posts about dog biting issues. You may also have an opt-in form to receive a free e-book about biting dogs.

If, on the other hand, you have a visitor that is looking for overall dog training, the results page could route him to general training videos on your site or to an affiliate offer for dog training. 

You have a lot of freedom of choice when it comes to setting up your results pages and then you have the opportunity to split test them as well. The Thrive Quiz Builder has taken everything into account in terms of helping you set up the perfect quiz results for any visitor.

Social Badges

You can create a variety of customizable images that ultimately lead to more sharing. There are 5 templates to choose from to help you design the perfect social badge. These templates allow you to customize the badge to match your quiz or your branding. 

You don’t have to resort to Photoshop to make your own social badges and you don’t have to have any design experience. There is no need to work with CSS or margins since you’re able to move the different badge elements around as you please.

You can get started by uploading your images and then resizing them to fit. Text can then be added in the font and format you choose. You’ll also have other options available for customizing your badges.

The badge creator also allows you to optimize badges for a variety of social media websites. These can be altered easily without making any major changes. 

Shares on social media platforms will draw in new consumers to your site. These visitors will then be encouraged to take a quiz and win a badge. This badge can be shared with others through a feed on a social media site.

It is easy to create customized badges using the creator and we can’t recommend this feature enough. It is definitely one of the best we’ve seen so far, which is why we made sure to include it in this Thrive Quiz Builder review.

Branching Logic

Branching logic is also commonly known as “conditional branching” or as “skip logic”. It is a major feature that is offered on this quiz builder and it is brilliant. Branching logic changes the page that a visitor is directed to, and this selection is based on the answers provided for the questions.

This is how dynamic quizzes are created – they are based on different answers to questions. It’s easy to add branching logic to the quizzes you are setting up using this plug-in. 

If you have ever used another program for quizzes you may have noticed that the branching logic feature was quite poor and it was difficult to set up. With the Thrive Quiz Builder, however, you’ll be amazed at how simple and fast it is to set up.

It’s easy to connect the quiz questions using the user-friendly drag-and-drop visual settings. This amazing feature gives you complete freedom to create a user journey that you feel will lead to more leads and sales. Everything can be mapped out in a few short minutes.

The journey you choose can be changed as required. This gives you the chance to test different journey paths to see which ones perform the best. This is a feature that you should expect to be using time and time again if you want to build more than simple linear quizzes.

Opt-In Gate and Splash Pages

There are 2 extra features available on this plug-in that you can use for your quizzes including the Splash Page builder and the Opt-In Gate feature. They are both fantastic options that you shouldn’t overlook when you are designing your quizzes.

  • Opt-in Gate  

Build up your email list by encouraging visitors to opt-in before getting their quiz results. The form can be linked up to your email list service provider and the design can be customized according to your requirements. 

You will need to make sure that there is a way for visitors to skip this step if they don’t want to sign up for emails. If you force people to sign up, you’ll find that you’ll have a higher bounce rate on the page and won’t be setting a good impression for your brand.

  • Splash Pages 

These pages are very important since they act as a quiz introduction. You can include a call to action and some extra information that will encourage viewers on the page to click through and begin the quiz. It is completely customizable and you can change it up as required for testing purposes.

  • Affordable Pricing

When you’re looking for a top-quality quiz builder, you’ll also want to take pricing into account. Fortunately, the Thrive Quiz Builder is affordably priced and offers excellent value for the money.

Thrive Quiz Builder offers 3 different pricing options including the following:

  1. $67 for a single site license
  2. $97 for a pack of 5 licenses
  3. $147 for a pack of 15 licenses

Each one of these options includes support for a full year and free unlimited updates.

You should also take a look at the Thrive Membership Scheme, which gives unlimited access to all of the plug-ins and themes offered by Thrive. This includes the quiz builder and unlimited support.

You won’t find another builder that works as well. Get more for your money by investing in one of the best tools for WordPress sites!

Pros and Cons of the Thrive Quiz Builder

This plug-in for building quizzes on your WordPress sites offers a multitude of pros and not too many cons.


  • Keep track of all quizzes on a user-friendly dashboard
  • Drag-and-drop builder
  • Setup Wizard is foolproof with 4 easy steps
  • 2 question types
  • 3 types of quizzes
  • 3 quiz templates
  • Smooth design process
  • Question weighting for accurate scoring
  • A/B testing for optimization
  • Dynamic results for segmenting content
  • Intuitive reporting
  • Powerful analytics
  • Can be viewed on mobile devices
  • Opt-In Gate for generating email leads
  • Editor for social badges for sharing
  • Splash Pages to encourage a click through to the quiz


  • Quiz styles are limited to 4

It would be impossible to find another quiz builder that would be comparable to this one. The pros far outweigh the cons and this builder can bring a website up to a brand-new level!

Thrive Leads Review Overview

The Thrive Quiz Builder has reached new heights in terms of plug-in capability and standards. This is an advanced WordPress plug-in that allows you to gain valuable customer insights on the spot, right on your website.

You’ll have the data you need to provide the best content to all of the visitors that land on your site and to create new products and services that consumers are looking for right now.

The potential is unlimited with this plug-in and if you are looking for an effective way to outdo your competition, this is it. You can segment all of your customers while at the same time building your mailing list.

It’s a lead generation and customer insight machine on steroids that encourages visitor interaction on your site, which in turn leads to a lower bounce rate.

We highly recommend this plug-in for anyone that is serious about bringing their business to the next level. Drive more traffic, encourage social sharing, and gain more email subscribers with this all-in-one tool that can do all of that plus much, much more.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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