5 Popular Services Your Online Marketing Agency Should Offer

Online Marketing Agency

If you have a marketing agency, it makes sense to offer different types of services that cover the whole gamut of marketing.

But what services should you offer?

Here are the top five in my list:

  • Copywriting | Content Writing
  • Video Ad Creation | Editing
  • Graphic Arts | Branding
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing

Let us go through each one, and I will explain why you need them all.

Copywriting | Content Writing

As a marketing agency, the primary content requirement of any website is content writing. You can offer scripts, blog posts, and written tutorials to your clients.

Here is a list of writing services you can offer:

  • Ad scripts
  • Landing page content
  • Email copy
  • Tutorial
  • Infographic text
  • Listicle

If you do not have a resident writer, you need to find someone you can outsource your work to. Writing is a difficult task, and clients are really picky—they want the same voice in their articles.

It is up to you to hire a resident writer or outsource to somebody. If you outsource, you have to find a reliable full-time writer—someone who can deliver on a regular basis. If possible, do not look for writers found in freelance sites.

Why? Because many of them are newbies, and the good ones are too expensive. Expensive writers do not give you room for profit. Look for independent, affordable, high-quality writers.  

Video Ad Creation | Editing

Videos and ads are part of any marketing strategy. If you are not offering this yet, you need to start exploring this marketing avenue.

To get started, you need to scout for artist and video editing services. Or you can do it yourself.

Here are some tips to enhance your video output:

  • Pick the right software – what I would recommend is Camtasia, a video editing software that costs only $249. The fee is one-time only.
  • Invest in a fast computer – video editing takes a lot of memory and power; you have to invest in a fast computer if you want to get work done quickly.  
  • Work with a scriptwriter – use the services of a writer to do the script; the script is the basis of the video content.
  • Use video animation software – you do not have to shoot your own videos; there are many software programs that you can use, such as Canva, Powtoon, and Camtasia.  

Video editing and ad creation is a fundamental requirement of marketing. All companies that have a product to offer will one day need a video ad—they would launch these ads on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram.  

Graphic Arts | Branding

All marketing efforts will culminate in branding. In this service, you need to prepare what we call marketing standards.

Here are some of the things expected of you:

  • Logo creation
  • Branding color scheme
  • Standard text and format of all graphic arts
  • Mascot design
  • Letterheads

Branding is a multi-faceted aspect of marketing. It basically boils down to giving the brand a face and a voice. This is where standardization comes in—including the spaces between the letters and the images found on the logo.

Just make sure that your branding efforts are all original concepts. The last thing you want is for a client to ask you for a refund because your logo was copied.

If you are just starting out, you can use free logo design software programs—you can offer affordable logos, but what you get won’t be original. If you want to service clients who want 100% original logos, you need to work with graphic artists in freelance market platforms—those who charge a lot of money.   

Beware of graphic artists who offer low prices—all of them are not real artists. They use software to pick pre-made images. Only work with people who can create things from scratch, not people who would ask you to provide a photo that they can upload in a software.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing involves more than just uploading posts. As a marketing agency, your clients would expect you to draw a plan to increase their follower count, likes, and engagement.

Here are some of the services you can offer:

  • Page set-up – create the social media page of the client; this includes creating the cover.
  • Content planning – create a calendar of posts; show the client what the posts are about and how often you will release them.
  • Content-release – post the planned content at the planned time; repost old content if you must—you can use a software like HootSuite or SEMRush to do this.
  • Traffic and lead generation – your posts must result in website traffic or sales; you need to be able to prove this with data analysis found in the social media site’s tools.   
  • Branding – create standardized posts and use the same color schemes and logos to market your client’s brand.
  • Competitor tracking – track how your client’s competitors are performing; the goal is to outrank them.

Your social media marketing offer must have a full suite—a complete set of service that achieves one goal: sales.

Your clients do not pay you for the effort of posting content—you need to provide results. If your content is not attracting an audience, or if your social media marketing campaign is not resulting in sales, your clients will not be happy, and they move to a different provider.  

Email Marketing

The last on my list is email marketing, a process where you send email messages to a list of potential customers.

As a marketing agency, you should be able to guide your client on how to generate leads. This includes setting up an autoresponder account and then integrating that account into the client’s website.

The next step is to create a lead magnet. The most popular is an eBook, which you must also offer. You can find affordable freelance eBook writers to do this for you.

Once the client has accumulated a healthy number of email addresses, you can begin the process of creating an email sequence—marketing campaigns that you will send to the client’s email list.

The other method that you can explore is solo ads. To make this work, you need to join an online marketplace where people are offering this service.

In this service, you look for a person who has a list of email addresses. You give the seller your marketing camping material, and then he will send it to his email list. You do not get the email list from the seller. The typical cost of solo ads is $0.50 per email sent.  


These five services must be part of your offer. If there is one in the list that you do not have yet, start looking for someone who will do it for your company. You can hire an employee or just outsource the job to a freelancer.

These five services go hand in hand. One way or another, your customers will look for these services. And if you do not have it, your customer is likely to look somewhere else.

What you can do is to bundle these services. Offer them as a package for a lower price—your customers will be happy, and you can improve your customer loyalty.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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