5 Ways To Make Working From Home More Productive

Working from Home

Coronavirus left many figuring out how to operate with efficiency from home. As it turns out, there are many ways to accomplish this task. But what are the best ways to make working from home more productive?

The 5 best ways to make working from home more productive are:

  1. Get the Right Setup
  2. Optimize Your Workflow
  3. Isolate From Distractions
  4. Keep A Regular Schedule
  5. Remember To Take Breaks

Leveraging these 5 tactics may provide even better results than working at the office. Let’s dig a little deeper into how these techniques make working from home more productive.

1. Get The Right Setup

The first key to becoming a productivity machine when you’re working from home is to set it up properly. This is normally the main advantage your office has over a home setup.

Here are a few things you need to make sure you have before you can tackle enhanced productivity.

  • Sturdy Desk
  • Comfortable Chair
  • Wireless Mouse and Keyboard
  • External Monitors

While there are more things you could get, these items should be considered a productivity basics tool kit. These things come standard in every office and are often taken for granted. However, trying to get any work done without them is going to be a heck of a challenge.

2. Optimize Your Workflow

Whenever you are trying to make working from home more productive, analyzing your workflow is a great start. Taking a moment to be mindful of how you do what you do allows you to optimize your efforts.

For example, if you primarily work on a Mac workstation, using a powerful feature like spaces will make you a productivity champ.

Setting up a feature like this enables you to turn your computer from one to many at the click of a button. It just takes a little time to set up initially, but the results will be astounding.

3. Isolate From Distractions

When you’re working from home, one of the largest productivity killers is distractions. These are even more harrowing from home because of added temptations. Failure to stay focused and keep your attention on the task at hand will leave you wondering where the day went.

Here are a few ways you can do your best to cut off distractions at home:

  • Get Noise Cancelling Headphones
  • Pick the Right Spot To Setup Shop
  • Shut The Door
  • Turn Off Your Phone

These four tips will eliminate most of the distractions you face at home. Utilizing a nice pair of noise-canceling headphones will block out any auditory distractions and keep you focused.

Even more important than the headphones is picking a spot to work from. Setting up your home office in front of the TV is going to affect your productivity.

It’s better to have a dedicated space with a door that can be closed so you can block out distractions. This will ensure that you make working from home more productive.

4. Keep a Regular Schedule

One thing that tends to go by the wayside whenever you’re working from home is the typical working schedule. The downside is, freedom from the nine-to-five does not mean freedom from structure. You need a plan to stay productive.

A schedule could look like:

  • 07:00 – Wake Up
  • 08:00 – Check Email
  • 09:00 – Work
  • 12:00 – Lunch
  • 13:00 – Work
  • 17:00 – Shut It Down

Keeping a regular schedule is crucial for training your mind to stay on task. Regular is used in a relative sense in this instance, and it just has to be a schedule that works for you. The important thing is you have designated time set aside to get your work done.

5. Remember to Take Breaks

Maybe one of the most important methods to make working from home more productive is remembering to take breaks.

When you’re working from home, it’s very easy to blur the lines between work and leisure. However, this has disastrous consequences in the long-term.

If you don’t remember to shut work down and take time for yourself, you might get burnt out. This is the biggest threat to productivity, no matter where you’re working from.

For this reason, when you’re making your schedule, remember to incorporate breaks and stop when you commit to stop.

You Can Be Productive When Working From Home

So, if you want to make working from home more productive, these five strategies will get the job done.

With just a little bit of preparation and planning, you’ll become a productivity machine. Maybe even more so then when you’re at the office.

At the end of the day, your environment does play a huge role in your productivity.

This is why it is imperative to take ownership of your environment and shape it to your needs, even if this environment is your own home.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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