A Look Into The Majestic Link Intelligence Tool For SEO

majestic seo tool

There are many SEO tools out there. The most popular are RankMath Yoast, Semrush, AHREFS, MOZ, and Ubersuggest. But then you have others that do more—like Majestic.

If you haven’t heard about it yet, Majestic does a mapping system through what they call Link Intelligence. It is software that analyzes big data. It measures the quality of backlinks coming to your site.

Today, let us take a look at the Majestic Link Intelligence tool for SEO. By the end of this review, you should be able to decide if this service is going to help your online business or not.

What is Majestic? 

Majestic is a tool that allows you to improve your search engine optimization efforts. It is mainly focused on building backlinks, tracing backlinks, and analyzing the quality of backlinks you are getting on your site.

While Majestic has a keyword tool, its SEO focus is not on keyword selection or your position. What it offers is a powerful tool that measures your credibility, which it calls Trust Flow. Pretty much, this score is an indicator of how trusted your domain name is.

With this tool, you can pretty much understand how Google perceives your website. As you know by now, Google checks the sources of backlinks referring to your domain. If your backlinks are coming from shady companies or websites, Google is not likely to trust you.

If this happens, your web pages are not likely to rank on the search engine result pages (SERPs). With Majestic, you can see how trustworthy your website is from the perspective of a third viewer. From there, you should be able to create action plans to improve your SEO efforts.

If anything, Majestic is not a magical tool that will make you rank. Instead, it is a tool that gathers and analyzes data for you. If you have a tool like this, you know what is happening on your website, and you will be able to make business decisions based on data.

Features of Majestic

Let us take a look at the features of Majestic Link Intelligence. In this section, you should be able to decide if you need these tools to help you drive traffic to your site through SEO.

  • External backlinks – this report tells you how many links, images, or anchor texts are leading back to your website. This is further broken down into two types, the fresh and the historical. Fresh backlinks are the ones that have been recently added, and historic takes into account all the links leading back to your site.
  • Trust Flow – a scoring system that tells you the quality of the backlinks to your site. If your website has a high Trust Flow, it means that your backlinks are coming from reputable websites. And if this is the case, you are more likely to get ranked in Google.
  • Citation Flow – this is a measurement of how many links are going to your site. The Citation Flow does not indicate the quality of the links. The higher your Citation Flow is, the more links are going to your site. What you want is to have a high Citation Flow, but maintain a higher Trust Flow score.  
  • Referring IPs and Domains – not only will you know the number of backlinks to your site, but you will also see where they are coming from. If you know where your backlinks are coming from, you can ask sites to remove the links if they are spammy sites, or you can thank the site that backlinked to you and work a business deal with them.
  • Topical Trust Flow – this is a summary of which industries are linking to you. For example, if there are many sites linking to you from the shopping industry, it goes to show that your content is being referred to by many online retail shops.
  • Backlink History – this is a report that shows how many backlinks your site got on a daily basis. This allows you to understand if your backlinking efforts are making progress or not.
  • Backlink breakdown – this report itemizes the different types of links that you have. For example, it separates external backlinks from the internal ones. From this report, you will also see supplemental links, which refer to pages with more than one link to your site. From here, you will also see your total inbound links.

What I really like about this report is that you will also see how many links are live and how many have been deleted. You will also get to see how many deep links there are, and how many links come from the home pages of other websites.

The best feature I love is that the backlink report also tells you how many are do-follow and how many are no-follow. The report also tells you the number or percentage of backlinks coming from HTTP or HTTPS.

From here, you can get a clear picture of the kind of websites linking back to you. If you do not like these links, you can disavow them from your Google search console.

Majestic Plans and Pricing

Majestic has three price points, called Lite, Pro, and API. You can pay on a monthly or annual basis, but you will get a discount if you pay per year.

  • Lite – costs $49 per month. With this plan, you will get access to multiple features. At this rate, you will be able to see your fresh index, referring IP addresses and domains to your site, the backlink checker, the keyword generator, and a whole lot more.
  • Pro – costs $99 per month. In this plan, you will get everything in the Lite plan, plus you will also be able to see your historical index, download raw data from the database, create your own custom reports, and see your backlink history.
  • API – this is the most expensive, and it costs $399 per month. With this plan, you will get all the features and benefits of the previous two, and then you can have up to 100 million analyses per month. Yes, that is one hundred million.

The API plan is best used by large companies that are hungry with data. If you are a blogger, I would recommend the Lite plan only. If your blog is now earning money, you have to get the PRO plan.

Majestic also offers a free plan. However, the free plan does not give you access to the features that are in the paid ones. With a free plan, you only get a preview of websites you want to analyze, plus some plug-ins you can use for your website.

Summary: a look into the Majestic Link Intelligence tool for SEO

Majestic is a link-oriented SEO tool. It tells you how many backlinks go to your website, and this helps you analyze the strength of your domain. As you know by now, backlinks are critical to the success of your website.

A backlink is a vote of confidence, and Google takes this into account when ranking your site.  

Get Majestic if you are concerned about your backlink profile. It does not make you get backlinks, but it helps you understand how search engines see your site in terms of trust, citation, and visibility.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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