5 Techniques To Increase Sales With Digital Marketing

increase sales with digital marketing

The dawn of technology has leveled the playing field for both small businesses and huge corporations. In fact, anyone can gain traction online – even startups! Moreover, thinking of the most robust and effective digital marketing strategies has become easier.

Nowadays, marketers and entrepreneurs can quickly jump from one advertising channel to another because of its convenience, efficiency, targeted approach, and affordability. 

Of course, digital marketing will not be successful without thinking of the best advertising methods. But don’t fret. We’re going to let you in on the best tips, hacks, and techniques to increase sales with digital marketing. 

1. Content marketing and SEO

A startup can have a very limited marketing budget. And this is the reason why conventional marketing such as outdoor advertising might not be the best option for startup companies. That’s because billboards, for example, cost hefty prices for an advertising spot. 

On the other hand, strengthening your content marketing strategy could make your brand gain traction online. And when it does, you can bet your bottom dollar this will lead to word-of-mouth marketing. 

When starting with content marketing ideas, most marketers turn to blog writing. Why? Because this is a very affordable online marketing channel. There are content writing agencies that offer monthly rates of as low as $300 in exchange for blogs. 

However, gaining traction in content marketing isn’t easy. Your content should be relevant and valuable to your target audience.

Moreover, marketers should ensure that their SEO strategies are in place. Here are a few techniques to succeed in SEO and content marketing:

  • Always conduct keyword research
  • Stalk your competitors for the keywords they already rank for
  • Create blogs and content around those keywords
  • Take advantage of free and paid tools for your SEO strategy
  • Ensure your on-page and off-page SEO is top-notch. 
  • Make sure you optimize your channels for speed and mobile-friendliness
  • Install the Yoast plugin in your website backend to make content SEO-friendly
  • Upload content regularly to become an authority in your niche

2. Optimize your website

Brands that want to gain traction in the online world should have a company website. A company website is a channel that promotes your brand 24/7. Moreover, there is a myriad of features and benefits company websites offer. 

First, you have to ensure that you create a website that is easily navigable. It must provide a good user experience (UX). That being said, ensure that the user interface (UI) is strategically laid out. All the buttons, menu options, forms, and whatnot must be taken into consideration. 

Although companies may have to hire a website developer for this, hiring a professional will give you a higher ROI. For instance, experts know color psychology, web design trends and principles, and layouts that are perfect for attracting more web visitors. 

Secondly, a website will not convert without calls to action. A professional web developer will know how to position the call to action buttons to impact consumer purchasing behaviors.

Plus, websites should also be optimized for mobile, which leads to conduction a series of web mobile-friendly tests that only experts know. 

Last but not least, SEO will also have an impact on your company website. Product descriptions should be optimized for search engines as well. Overall, to earn money, you have to spend money by hiring professional web developers and designers. 

3. Email marketing automation

Personalization is key to stand out in a sea of competition. And email marketing is one of the most personalized online marketing tactics to date.

The upper hand of email marketing is that you can pitch your offers directly to a prospect. Plus, there is no shortage of tools you can use that can automate and monitor your email advertising campaigns.

For instance, some tools can help you gather and augment your email list. Moreover, these tools can have the ability to segment the list depending on your goals or objectives.

Target market research is always an essential step in any digital marketing campaign. And with email marketing, you’re assured of quality leads that have interacted with your brand before. 

The next part is crucial for your recipients to read your email – your email subject line. You can have the most irresistible offers, but if your emails don’t get read, your efforts are futile. Ensure that you create a very compelling email subject line that gets opened. 

Once you achieve this, you can then use Analytics to track and monitor those who have purchased from your email marketing. This will allow you to A/B test your future email advertising tactics. 

4. Retargeting

If your goal is to focus on increasing sales, one way to do that is through retargeting campaigns. You can create online advertisements and use Analytics to track those prospects who abandoned carts and didn’t continue to purchase.

Then you can craft another retargeting campaign such as emails, messaging, online ads, and more to pitch your offer again. 

5. Pair with other online marketing methods

One way to create a very effective digital marketing approach is to no put all your eggs in one basket. Aside from content marketing, you can tap into your audiences from these channels:


By implementing these 5 techniques you can increase your sales and realize significant profits. Digital marketing is an ever-changing and evolving animal so you need to always be aware of the latest trends in technology and best practices.

If you can stay ahead of the game and be ready to put to use these methods, you’ll enjoy a bright future with your online business.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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