How To Make Money Blogging For Beginners

Man lying on sofa with laptop in dark room

Blogging has been around since the internet was offered for worldwide and commercial use. At first, it was just an avenue for writers to share their thoughts.

Nowadays, it’s certainly become a popular way to make money online.

But how does it work? Let’s examine the fundamental ways on how to make money blogging (for beginners), and hopefully, you will learn how to jumpstart your own blog.


The first thing that comes to mind to make money from a blog is Google Adsense, the advertising arm of Google. But before you can even register for it, you must be able to prove that you are generating traffic.

To do this, you have to sign up for a Google Adsense, fill up the requirements, and Google will investigate your site.

If you pass the requirements, you will be given a link that you can place on your website, and Google will run ads from there. The rates vary, and it will not turn you into a millionaire unless you generate a lot of traffic.

Your other option to make money through advertising is to look for businesses and make an offer. With this approach, you can price your own advertisement rates.

Like the previous one, you should be prepared to show data about your traffic, and then you can charge the businessperson according to your preference.

You can charge by posting a link in your blog that leads to their website, or you can charge by putting a photo of the company product on a fixed spot on your blog for several days.

Advertising is a difficult way to make money, but it is also the one that has guaranteed pay. However, the basic thing you need to ensure is that people are flocking to your website and that you have followers.

Affiliate Marketing

The second most common method on how to make money blogging (for beginners), is to sell other people’s products through what is known as affiliate marketing.

If you have a blog, it must be niche-driven. People will come to your website because they want to read what you have to say. In this case, you are an expert who must have enough credibility in your chosen field.

The way affiliate marketing works are you have to register in companies that offer affiliate programs. Upon signing up, you will receive a link to the products that they offer.

You need to embed this link somewhere in your blog post and hope that your readers will click it and buy it.

If they make a purchase, you will get a commission. The range of the commission is between 4% and 50%. The most popular companies that offer a program like this are amazon and eBay, along with Clickbank.


Indeed, you are an expert in your chosen field. As such, you have so many things to share, and you can turn your knowledge into an eBook that you can sell from your blog.

If you are serious about writing, you can earn money by writing a complete course in the form of an eBook, or you can ask the help of a ghostwriter to do this for you.

Once the book is ready, your blog must have content that will make your readers want more.

For example, you can write about bonsai tips every week, but you also have an eBook for sale where the reader can learn everything they need to know now, provided they buy it.

You can price your eBook how you like, but just make sure it is affordable enough.

Summary of How to Make Money Blogging

These are the three main ways, and the easiest, on how to make money blogging (for beginners). There are more ways out there, but it is better that you start with this.

You do not want to bit off more than you can chew for now. Besides, these are the tried and proven methods to earn money from a blog.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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