How To Increase Conversions By Ensuring Visitors Stay On Your Site

How to Increase Conversions

You are more likely to increase conversions if your site visitor stays there for a while.


Because the site visitor gets to know you better, and that time he spends there is the key to building credibility and authority. 

But how do you do this? 

Today, I will show you several ways on how you can make your visitor stay on your site. If you succeed on doing this, you will increase conversions and earn more money, or get more email subscriptions. 

Use the proper structure in your page

One common mistake of bloggers is they often use big blocks of text. In writing, this is a mortal sin. Big blocks of texts are annoying and difficult to read. The only exception to this rule is if you are writing a novel.

Your website’s blog is not a novel, so you have to break down your content into chunks. Here is what I recommend:

  • Intro – the introductory paragraph must be short. If possible, not more than 200 words the introductory paragraph should tell the user what to expect in the article.
  • Sub-headings – break down your article in several categories. Often, effective bloggers write listicles, and then break down the article per list. You do not have to write a listicle to do this—find creative ways to convey your thoughts in sub-headings, as this makes your blog post organized.
  • Summary – you can also use a conclusion if you want. This part of your blog must also be short and no longer than 200 words. Summarize the key points of your article so the reader would remember what you said. 

A bad blog structure will make a site visitor go away. Big blocks of texts are a pain in the eyes so you should avoid them at all costs. 

Use media in your articles

Images and videos are great additions to a blog because they retain attention. Some people are visual learners and will find it easier to learn through images and videos. 

If you are not making your own videos, you can embed videos from YouTube. All you have to do is to find a similar content from the platform and copy the embed code. Use that on you blog, and your blog will automatically show a vide frame. 

The good thing about this is that the site visitor will not pen the video in the YouTube app. The video is a sticky frame on your blog page, which will play without send in your site visitor to another site. 

If you do this, however, there are some individuals who may tell you to take down the video from your site. It is a little cumbersome, but it should not be a huge problem. Most people who publish videos love it if you share their content. Just make sure you properly attribute the video to them. 

The other method you can use is to put infographics on your blog page. Infographics are easy to digest You can use free tools like Canva to make it. If not, you can hire a freelance graphic artist to do it for you. It is much better to learn it yourself so you will not spend that much money. 

Use interlinking strategies

Once a site visitor is done reading, what is next? 

He will leave. 

To prevent this from happening, you have to encourage your site visitors to check out your other pages. They will not do this on their own, even if you have a search box on your website. 

Here are some tips:

Links in between sections – after each section, add a short snippet that says “recommended reading” or “related blog post.” After that, add the title of the blog post. Make sure that the title is hyperlinked to that post. Do this after every section so the reader has options.

Links after blog post – at the end of your summary, put more blog titles that are hyperlinked. Put three to five of them there. This way, your site visitor will have options, and he is more likely to stay on your website and read more.

Use images – use still images on your blog titles that you recommend. Most WordPress themes have this as a default, but some don’t. Also, you should not rely on the “related posts” from WordPress. Instead, embed your own images so you are in control what you want readers to visit. 

Many site visitors only skim through blog posts. They do not really read everything. As such, you have to encourage them to read more content from you. the more they do, the more credible you become, and they are more likely to buy from you.

Publish high-quality content

What is high-quality content? 

High quality content is one that is valuable. It is the kind of content where the user leaves having learned something. 

Here are some tips:

  • Make it concise – brevity is a writer’s friend. If you can say something in a sentence, do it. Avoid being long-winding—do not beat around the bush. Be straightforward in every sentence so your site visitor will keep on reading.
  • Make it in-depth – if you are writing an article, make sure that you cover all the bases. It must have enough information to make someone say, “this is all I need.”
  • Make it easy to understand – do not use hifalutin words. Avoid using technical jargon and business gibberish. Use words that we human beings use in an ordinary daily conversation.
  • Make it scannable – break down your articles into chunks, and then add a table of contents of you have a long article. This should make your pages easier to browse. 

Quality content is one of the toughest things to do when writing a blog. You have to read what your competitors have published, and make sure that you are publishing something that is better.

If you have no time to do this, you are betting off hiring an affordable freelance writer to do it for you. 

Make your page load faster

The last in our list to make your site visitor stay is to optimize your page for speed. Remove unnecessary elements like ads and others that can slow down your age loading time. 

People who find your site will never stay if they have wait more than three seconds for your site page to load. And if they ever stay on a page, can you imagine what they will do if they clicked on another link? 

They will leave. 

Also, optimize your pages for mobile. A lot of people who read are those who are lying on their bed—they are researching while before they sleep. Some are in cars and trains—all your web pages must be mobile-friendly. Otherwise, your site visitors will not stay. 


There is one other benefit to making your visitor stay on your site. Google will record this data and the algorithm will think that you are providing value. 

Why is that? 

Because Google ranks pages that provide the best user experience. If your site visitors stay longer, the algorithm will naturally think that your site has good content. And if your site has good content, Google is more likely to show your page to its users.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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