How To Be Successful At Affiliate Marketing Without Blogging

affiliate marketing without blogging

One of the main challenges of affiliate marketers is that they need to put up a website and write blogs to promote their products.

This activity alone can eat up a lot of precious time, and that time lost could have been used for marketing efforts.

The only solution to this is to do the marketing part without a website. Here are six ways on how to be successful at affiliate marketing without blogging:

  • email marketing
  • Paid Advertising
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

Below, we will be talking about these approaches in detail.

Email Marketing

Perhaps the first question that comes to your mind is how to send emails to people if you do not have them. Typically, an affiliate marketer has a list of email addresses of people who signed up through his website.

And without a website, you cannot have an email list for your email campaign.

There is a way to work around this problem. What you need to do is to look for companies that have hundreds of thousands of email addresses.

Yes, some companies have a list like this, and they have categorized each person into specific demographics like age, location, interests, and more.

You can buy the email list from these companies, and then you can send your marketing material to the email addresses that you purchased.

The good thing about it is that you will only get live or active email addresses of people who have shown interest in your niche.

Email marketing is a powerful tool to tell people what you are offering.

It is entirely up to you to decide how you would write your email copy, and how you would design the email, the content, and how you will convince your reader to take action.

Paid Advertising

There are many ways to advertise. You can advertise on Google Ads, on Android and iOS apps, on Instagram, Facebook, or youtube.

You need to decide which platform is the best for you, and you need to study which platform is more likely to yield results to your affiliate marketing niche.

If you are selling make-up products, then advertising on Instagram is a better choice than Facebook because Instagram is a platform for photography.

It is best used for marketing products that photos can highlight. The people who use Instagram are crazy about health, fashion, and beauty, so your target market is on this platform.

If you are promoting heavy-duty equipment, like circular saws or band saws, the best platform to advertise is on YouTube.

YouTube is the platform where people learn from video tutorials, and promoting your products here can yield better results than Instagram.

The reason behind this is that people would see the product in action from a YouTuber, and then your ad will pop-up, showing precisely the same product or something similar.

As a result, the viewer is more likely to click your ad on YouTube than any other channel.

The costs of advertising vary for each platform. You need to determine the right demographics, too, so your ad will be shown to the right people who are more likely to complete a purchase.


Facebook is currently the most powerful social media platform out there. It has two billion users worldwide, and there is no reason a business should not have a Facebook page.

As an affiliate marketer, you must take advantage of this social media platform and use it to market your products.

Here are the two different ways you can use Facebook for your affiliate marketing efforts:

  • Create a Facebook page and gain a massive following
  • Join Facebook groups and post the links to your items

If you create a Facebook page, remember that you must not only post the links to your products. People on Facebook appreciate those who offer value.

What this means is that you have to create content that will help people solve a problem.

This content can be a video or a series of photos, but videos are much preferred. You can then boost this video as an ad, and then include a promotional link in the video description.

For example, you may be an affiliate marketer for power tools. In this case, it makes sense that you show people a video of an unboxing of the power tool.

And then demonstrate how it is used if you are selling software, like accounting, helping people how to fix common accounting woes can help you build your page and your credibility.


Instagram is the best platform for products that you want to best highlight via photos. It is the Mecca of beauty and fashion, along with health products.

On Instagram, you can start following influencers, and then making comments about their posts. Keep your comments low-profile, as putting blatant marketing ones can annoy people.

Like Facebook, you are better off by starting, giving helpful tips.

You must build your Instagram page and put lots of stunning photos that inspire.

Do not focus on your product links. Instead, focus on the benefits of what you are selling and translate these benefits into photos that will make a person make an emotional decision to purchase what you are selling.


The last method on how to be” class=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>successful at affiliate marketing without blogging is to post tutorial videos on YouTube. Here, you will be a master of your craft, and you must present yourself as an expert.

This method is easier said than done, and you must have a plan about the topics and videos you want to release. You must have a series of videos that will help a person solve his problems.

In woodworking, many woodworkers post tutorial videos about how to build a cabinet.

They also show videos on how to fix common woodworking problems. And after they help people, they tell people to check out the video description to see what tools they used.

These tools have links, and these are their affiliate links.

You can do the same no matter what product you are promoting. If you are selling yoga pants and sports wears, you can show video tutorials about the right way to perform an exercise, or how to prevent injuries.

Below the video, you can put descriptions of the products you were wearing, and these links are your affiliate links.

Once a viewer clicks a link, he will redirect to the website where you are an affiliate, and if he decides to buy it, you will get your commission.


These are the most potent ways on how to be successful at affiliate marketing without blogging.

You can also use forum sites if you want, but most of these platforms typically ban comments and posts where you are promoting items for sale.

Not all of them do this, so you have to review the terms and conditions of the website. You also have to be careful, as many users frown on affiliate marketers who only offer their products without giving value.

All in all, you do not need a blog or a website to promote your business. One wise business decision you can make today is to use free platforms where there are already millions of users.

The only thing it takes to succeed is the right strategy and your persistence to reach your target audience.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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