7 Reasons To Accept Guest Post Submissions On Your Blog

Guest Post Submissions

Guest blogging has many benefits, and yet some people are against it. Their claim is that guest blogging is a waste of time—that you are opening your website to a can of worms. 

I’m afraid I have to disagree. Accepting guest posts on your blog is one of the best things you can do to make your blogging business work. So today, I will show you seven reasons why you should do this. 

1. Diversity of Your Content

Guest posts make your blog content diversified. Instead of relying on your content, there are people out there who can provide you with content that you have never thought of. 

Diversification does not mean that you should accept all types of guest posts, and all topics should still be under your niche. 

For example, if your niche is photography and you have not touched the subject of lenses, then guest bloggers can write that for you. Do not accept guest posts for their sake, and make sure that the topics are still relevant to your niche. 

2. Inbound Traffic from Guest Posters

When accepting guest posts from other bloggers, they would be excited to expose the published material to their friends. In addition, they would share the URL of the guest post on their social media accounts. 

As such, you will get a surge of traffic from the bloggers. In addition, if they have podcasts, YouTube channels, and other online media profiles, they will undoubtedly reach out to their audience and tell them to read the blog post. 

Traffic means a lot to you, and guest posters can do amazing things to bring readers to your site. If you advertise on your blog, you will undoubtedly earn from the impressions and clicks from this traffic. 

In addition to this, you also get backlinks. Not only will you get backlinks from their social media channels, but also from their websites. Indeed, they will link back to their guest post in every possible way they can. 

3. Access to New Kind of Audience

As bloggers, we build our audiences through publishing content in the same niche. However, not all people are too excited to read what we published. 

For example, you may have a blog about marketing, yet your audience consists of only beginners. Why? Because your content is for beginners. 

If you publish a guest post for an expert, he will bring his audience to your site. Because of this, these readers, who happen to be experts, may take a liking to the simplicity of your content. As a result, you have a new type of audience. 

You can capitalize on this new type of audience. If these people subscribe or have a way to communicate with them, you can ask them what content they are looking for.

4. Build a Network with Other Bloggers

Guest blogging is what helps you network with other people. It isn’t easy to find other content creators who will collaborate with you. 

Truth be told, people are naturally selfish, and they do not want to share their audiences because blogging is a business. 

If someone approaches you and they want to guest post, then take it as an opportunity to meet new bloggers. It is an excellent approach to getting yourself inside a community that is usually closed. 

With a network of bloggers, you can find ways to collaborate, share your traffic, your content, and even work with others to launch new programs, such as webinars.

5. Make Your Blog Look Professional

Another thing that makes other blogs look professional is the sheer number of content from other writers. Of course, publications do this all the time. 

Because readers see different bylines, they naturally think that the website is more credible than blogs, where only one writer provides content. 

If you want your blog to have the same look and appeal as a publication, then guest blogging is an excellent route to take.

For example, let us say that you have a fashion blog. If you are the only writer, there comes a time when people would think that something is amiss. 

But if you have guest bloggers, your audience will think that your content is diversified. They will feel that you have connections and that your blog is something bigger than yourself. 

6. More Content for Google

Let us face it: the more content you have, the more likely you appear on Google search. It happens because more content means you also use a lot of keywords. 

If you accept blog posts from others, you will soon find that your website has so many articles that target different keywords. 

But how will you do this? The trick is to tell the guest blogger what to write about. Choosing these keywords must be in your interest because you want to organically drive traffic to your site.

Think about it: if you have 50 guest posts, then you have at least 50 articles that target 50 different keywords. As such, Google has more reason to index your content for other keyword search phrases. 

7. Attract Experts in Your Niche

Guest blogging has an impact on someone’s business, including yours. There are guest bloggers who want to establish themselves as an expert, and they can only do this if they post content somewhere else. 

The benefit for the bloggers is credibility. The bloggers can say on their blog that they are published on your site. The benefit for you is the same. You are getting content from credible people, and it makes your blog a trustworthy source of information. 

Summary: Reasons to Accept Guest Post Submissions on Your Blog

Accepting guest posts is one of the many approaches you can use to grow your blog. Guest posts from other content creators allow you to get more traffic, meet experts, work with them, and many more. 

In essence, you are getting free content from guest posts. In return, you are opening new doors to grow your blog. These benefits like traffic and new audience typically cost money. With guest blogging, you get all these benefits for free and with no effort from you.  

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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