How To Get Your Website Quickly Indexed by Google

Get Your Website Quickly Indexed

More than 56.1% of the world’s population has access to a fast internet connection today. 

This statistic translates to about 4.39 billion active internet users globally.  Out of these active online users, Google controls around 81.5% of the market share, making it the world’s leading search engine.

Are you looking to attract more traffic on your website this year? 

One of the things you need to consider doing is getting your site indexed by Google.  If your page is yet to be indexed by Google, then your website is invisible to internet users.

You can, however, get your website quickly indexed and enjoy progressive organic traffic on your sites. 

So how can you go about website indexing and ensure that you reach your marketing goals? 

Here are all the answers you may need about Google indexing. 

What Is Google Website Indexing?

You may have heard about Google Indexing and probably wonder what it means. 

Well, from a layman’s perspective, Google indexing refers to the process of adding web pages into the Google search engine. This process uses the Meta tag you use for your web pages to crawl and index your page(s).

You may, at times, get the no-index tag, which means that despite your content being online, it’s invisible. 

Of course, there are numerous advantages that you’ll derive from having a high rank on the Google search engine. However, despite the effectiveness of the Google indexing process, it’s not always perfect. 

Most people express frustrations in the complex nature of website indexing on Google. This could be because they don’t understand their way around site indexing. 

What’s a Web Index?

In the most basic form and definition, an index is a list of information. 

Before the onset of technology and the internet, the most popular indexing options included the application of alphabetical indexes and bookkeeping in a library.  

A web page may, therefore, refer to a database of information on the internet. Search engines such as Google use this information to store billions of pages of data. As such, when you are searching on the internet, you utilize a search engine’s index that has systematically stored information.  

Google uses bots and spiders to crawl new webpages on the internet. These bots and spiders then store the pages based on an index of topics, relevance, or authority.

How Does Google Index the Internet?

Well, this is where the plot thickens.  

Creating a library with billions of sites and web pages is not a walk in the park. Google requires unique tools. 

As mentioned, spiders and bots are among the most critical tools in the process of managing web indexing. These spiders crawl from site to site, which allows them to follow links and match the content.

Once the spiders crawl through the internet, all the information gathered is stored in Google’s database based on an index. 

With this much information indexed, it becomes easy for Google to provide search engine results generated from algorithms. The algorithms sort through the giant database and find the most relevant match to the searches made on Google. 

Google’s ability to pull matching information from this broad database makes searches on this engine quick and efficient. 

Now that you understand the process of achieving website indexing, how can you ensure that your website indexation is fast and less strenuous?

Removing All Crawl Blocks Will Get Your Website Quickly Indexed

Users often lament the failure by Google to index their entire sites and pages. 

Well, this happens a lot when you have crawl blocks in your robots. You need to remove such crawl blocks if you are keen on having your entire website and pages indexed. 

If you assess the robots.txt file, you’ll notice that there could be an issue with the extent of authorization on the user-agent Google bot. 

When the information on the Google bot blocks any crawling, then Google may have a problem indexing your website and pages. 

You only need to allow crawling of the user agent. Once that’s done, your web indexing will be quick and efficient.

Set Preferred Domain 

One of the easiest ways of ensuring that your indexing is fast and effective is by setting your preferred domain.  

The problem with most online users is the lack of a constant domain name.  As such, a common concern for Google is the failure by domain users to list both WWW and non-WWW versions of their sites as leading to the same user. 

If you fail to make that critical link when providing information to Google about your websites, then your website indexing may be compromised. 

You may need to set up a preferred domain, which tells Google your preferred version. 

Mistakes with indexing can often occur when you have more than one URL.

If you’re having trouble harmonizing your domain, it would be prudent to seek additional information. You can learn more about domains’ suitability, benefits, and pricing in this guide.   

Once you have the right domain, then it is easy for Google to support your website customization without any hitches.

Remove Rogue Canonical Tags 

A Canonical tag tells Google that the specific website is the preferred or the only version of any particular page. 

If you fail to provide specific information on the specificity of your favorite page, Google may have trouble finding the right page to index.

Most times, Google fails to recognize and index official pages due to the presence of rogue canonical tags. 

If you have rogue canonical tags, then they could be telling Google about another version that might not exist. Such discrepancies may have the potential of limiting your webpages’ chances of indexing.

You should consider removing such canonical tags if you want to experience fast and effective indexing. 

However, this does not mean that canonical tags are generally evil. If there’s no need to index a page, then it’s not a must that you remove such canonical tags.

Deal With Orphaned Pages

Webpages may, at times, be orphaned. 

Such scenarios occur in case there are no internal links that point back to such pages. 

Most SEO experts underscore the importance of having deep functional links that point to the specific webpages. The failure to have such functional links leads to orphan pages. 

You can undertake an analysis of the orphan pages by assessing all the incoming links report. 

Most orphan pages don’t have internal inbound links. As such, Google often finds these pages impossible to index. 

You may need to delete from your website the webpages that are unimportant if this will help reduce the number of orphaned pages. 

If you have more than a handful of orphaned pages, this may spell trouble for you. 

You should seek the intervention of specialists to help you identify non-functional pages on your site. 

Removing or correcting all orphaned pages will get your website quickly indexed

Utilize Powerful Internal Links

Google tends to re-crawl onto sturdy pages faster than you would imagine. This depends on your ability to use internal links that redirect users to your more powerful pages. 

You can use powerful internal links to redirect Google indexing tools and increase the chances of fast and effective redirecting back to your pages. 

You can use Google’s inspection tools to assess the speed with which Google indexes your webpage each time you add powerful internal links. 

Make Use of Your Sitemaps

Are you keen on speeding up the process of page indexing? Then you need to include your page on your sitemap

A sitemap is a tool that tells Google about all your relevant pages. With a sitemap, it also becomes easy for Google to establish the pages it should re-crawl back to when indexing.  

Well, Googles’ powerful tools will still find your essential pages even if they aren’t in the sitemap, but this may take longer.

 If you’re keen on finding a quick fix for your web page indexing, then it would help to include them on your sitemap.

Consider setting up Google Search Console 

How will you know if your pages are being ranked unless you set up a Google search console? 

Having a functional admin panel for your websites allows you to keep track of the website indexing for your webpages. With a Google search console, you’ll be able to respond in real-time in cases where you aren’t hitting the marketing targets.

You can submit a sitemap to the Google console every so often. This allows you to make critical adjustments, each time Google’s indexing process slows down. 

Publish New Content 

Google has a well-known bias in favor of websites that produce new content consistently. 

Your website stands a higher chance of quick indexing as long as you keep producing new content. Blogs act as seo machines, which assist your pages to get a higher rank on Google.

As noted, search engines have crawl tools that are in constant search for new information. 

Publishing new content as often as possible will guarantee you continuous indexing by Google and keep your marketing goals in check. Here is how to ensure that you keep your content fresh and catchy. 

Google Indexing Is at the Heart of Online Marketing

Indexing your pages means that Google acknowledges these pages existence in its database. While you may need to also invest in SEO to optimize your pages and enhance your ranking, indexing is an essential first step. 

If you want to get your website quickly indexed, you need to consider working with specialists who understand the critical link between indexing and search engine optimization.

Are you looking for experts in affiliate marketing and SEO? Contact us for unbeatable services. 

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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