Content Refined Review: Put Your Blog On Autopilot

Content Refined

Introduction: What Is Content Refined? 

If you are in one of the many areas of online entrepreneurship, you surely already know the importance of content. Effective content for driving SEO can be a make or break for many online businesses. Today,

I look at a business whose purpose is to create high-quality content that drives their client’s businesses forward – Content Refined

Content Refined’s primary goal is to generate content for their clients. Clients are teamed up with a project manager who will work with them to create a content strategy, followed by real pieces of content that are optimized for success.

The process is open and transparent, and I will dive more into the services offered below. After that, I will run through my pros & cons of Content Refined, and a final verdict. 


To really get some perspective on my review, I’m going to give a rundown on the services offered by Content Refined. Primarily, they help clients create content that gets ranked, and this section will dive into what you can expect if you work with Content Refined. 

I had a great experience working with them, and I will place my views of their services into this run down. 

Content Creation: Of course, a major part of content strategy actually lies in creating the content. I was impressed with the content I received from Content Refined, and it was in no small part thanks to the process they use to develop it.

By working first with a Project Manager to create a strategy, you can really ensure that all the created content will match that strategy. 

That strategic element is the part of the approach that I enjoyed the most. I agree that great content must be based on the foundation of a solid strategy, and that is what I feel was achieved here. 

Optimization: Content Refined also assured me that they use various metrics to ensure that the content ranks highly for seo purposes. This includes the strategic use of keywords, link-building, and relevant information.

Since the whole point of creating content is often to have it rank highly, I was quite happy with the results that I got. 

Content Refined has its own process to make sure that keywords are competitive, and relevant to the search inquiry. They also use link-building techniques to increase authority.

As we all know, simply writing content isn’t enough these days, so knowing that Content Refined was filtering my content through these processes was very encouraging. 

Editing and Publishing: Content Refined has a team of editors and publishers who take the content and put the final touches on it. Both so it is free of mistakes, and also so it looks great on my website. 

Blogify: Another service that I notice Content Refined offers on its website is “Blogify”. In this service, they make YouTube videos and optimize blog posts based on the video. This seems like a great way to give your videos or blog that extra boost it needs.

It is essentially another way to get your content out there, without having to create new content yourself. Sort of like maximizing the potential of one source of content. 

I did not use this service personally, but I do like the idea of it. I am satisfied enough with the content that I feel I can safely recommend this service as well. 


Now that I have given a comprehensive review of the major service offerings, it’s time for some pros and cons. 

As for the pros, I can say I was quite happy with my experience overall. I think the streamlined nature of the process was what I enjoyed most. The ability to work with a Project Manager to create a content strategy was quite important to me.

It gave me a reliable benchmark to which I could measure all the content that was created. 

As for the content I received, I was quite happy with it as well. Their writers clearly know what they are doing, and it must have been optimized well because it did receive a good amount of traffic.

This is helpful, because it is difficult to find these keywords on my own, and I don’t always know why an article that I publish is successful. 


And of course, nothing is perfect, so let’s take a look at the cons as well. 

First of all, let’s face it, you can write the content yourself, and many people do. So if you are a content expert, then, by all means, go for it. 

Also, if you already have methods of content optimization that are working for you, then you might not find as much value in Content Refined’s services.

Essentially, this is for people who are often too busy to do everything at once and need an extra hand in creating content that generates attention. 

As for price, I found it to be pretty fair, but that depends on what you are looking to spend. It will really all come down to how much you value the services I have explained above. 


Overall, I was very happy with Content Refined, and I would recommend their services. Above all, I wanted someone who was easy to work with and gave me results.

I realize those are all-encompassing factors, but I was happy with what I got. Making a content strategy was especially great, as now I have something that I can use to guide future content. 

Perhaps the most value they added was in the optimization of my content. I do find it difficult to discover which keywords to use, and how to get more traffic on my content, so it’s great to have a reliable way of doing this. 

But of course, it all comes down to what you are looking for! I recommend you take some time to think about what services you actually need, and what you want out of your own online business. If the above services sound like something you would be interested in, then give Content Refined a try!

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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