Can You Really Increase Website Profitability With The Same Amount Of Traffic?

increase website profitability

Yes, you can. One common misconception that people have is that you can only make money from a website if you have a lot of traffic. As a result of this, they focus on driving traffic to their site instead of optimizing the current traffic they already have.

Today, I’ll show you several techniques on how to increase website profitability with the same amount of traffic.

These are:

  1. Do a split test
  2. Use analytics
  3. Build an email list
  4. Discuss your product benefits
  5. Place reviews and testimonials

With the methods I am going to teach you, you will not exert a lot of effort in increasing your traffic, but rather your conversion rate.

1. Do a split test

What is a split test?

A split test is a practice where you check the result of two things with the same goal but with a different presentation.

On your website, you can do a split test on the following pages:

  • Blog pages
  • Home page
  • Product pages

In a split test, you need to measure how each variation of the test performed. Let us say that you are selling a pair of red shoes. On the product page, you can change your page’s background, use a font of your choice, and then put down some product information.

After a while, you need to check how many people purchased this product when they landed there. Record that and keep the data.

Next, change the product page design. You can make it more vibrant or make your product description longer and more detailed. Then, check how many sales this page style generated for the same amount of time as the first one.

Then, you can compare what delivers more sales. From there, you can say without a doubt that a particular style works better and converts more, and then you can apply the same style with your other product pages. You can do the same exercise with the rest of your website.

2. Use analytics

Analytics is your friend. It may be too daunting at first, but it is really nothing more than looking at numbers and trying to make sense out of them.

The first thing you have to do is install Google Analytics or Google Search Console on your website. Both of these will tell you how your website traffic is performing. If you need help, you can read my blog about how to integrate GSC to your website.

Analytics is an important tool that tells you a lot of things. Here are some examples:

  • Where people exit
  • Average session duration
  • Bounce rate
  • User count
  • Pages per session
  • Pageviews

You can also find out if your traffic comes from mobile or desktop. You can use all of these to find out what seems to be the problem as far as your conversion rate is concerned.

If you noticed that you are getting a lot of traffic on Product A, but nobody is converting, you know that you are doing your SEO correctly—but you need to work on the conversion.

This is how you prioritize which pages need split testing. In this case, we know that Product A is a traffic magnet, but the way you created the page does not convert—start digging further, and you may find out that it could be your price that is the problem.

3. Build an email list

An email list is a list of email addresses. In this marketing process, you are taking advantage of your traffic by sending them updates to their email addresses.

Let us say that User A stumbled upon your blog. What you want is for this user to subscribe to your email list. If he does, then you can send regular updates, so he will come back to your site and then eventually make him buy.

As you can see, User A is the same person—the same traffic. It’s just that you created a way to contact him and sell something off your website.

Before you can create an email list, you need an email subscription software. There are many out there, such as GetResponse and Aweber.

These are tools that allow you to:

  • Embed an email subscription form on your website
  • Give out a lead magnet
  • Save the email list
  • Automatically send emails to subscribers

Once you are done with the integration, the next thing to do is create a lead magnet. It is the item that you will offer to the customer, so he will subscribe. There are many types of lead magnets—use the best lead magnets that apply to your business.

4. Discuss your product benefits

When a consumer gets to your site, you have to immediately let him know that you are giving value—that you are going to make his life easier or better.

You have to do this on your home page. You must have a slider on top indicating what your website is about and how consumers benefit from you.

More importantly, you have to be very keen on how you write your product description. Your product pages must focus on the benefits that your products offer, not just the features.

The benefit is different from a feature. A feature is a specification, while a benefit refers to how it will affect a person’s life.

For example, a battery feature is that it is made of Lithium-ion with 4,500 mAh. As a feature, it is a product specification, but a customer does not understand what it is for. You need to say that the battery is lighter, lasts longer, and gives the user more talk-time.

5. Place reviews and testimonials

The last thing I recommend is that you should have a review section on your site. Put it on your home page, so when a user scrolls, he will see the reviews and testimonials immediately.

If you do this, make sure you have photos of people and that they are legit. You can ask your previous buyers to leave testimonials for you and ask them for their photos.

You must also have a review section on your product pages. Whether you are using Shopify or WooCommerce, there are many review apps that you can use. If you are doing dropshipping, you can even import reviews from AliExpress, and those reviews will show on your product pages.

People read reviews. Even if many say that these things are fake, people are bound to read the negative ones, so make sure you address those, too.

Summary: Can You Really Increase Website Profitability With The Same Amount Of Traffic?

Traffic is important—that I understand. But it is not the be-all-and-end-all for sales. If you depend on traffic, you are playing a gamble. By this, I mean that your sales are based on luck—the more traffic you have, then “some” people may be interested in buying.

You have to change this approach now. Do not spend resources on paid traffic. Instead, focus on the value you offer, and get traffic that is targeted. Once that targeted traffic comes to your site, you should convince that person to buy.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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