Can I Learn Affiliate Marketing Easily?

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Can I learn affiliate marketing easily? A question that comes to the mind of everyone dipping their toe into this vast sea.

Well, to be honest, anything can be learned if you are passionate enough and affiliate marketing isn’t any different.

But if you want a straight answer to your question then a big YES! You can learn affiliate marketing easily, and when it comes to earning potential, the sky is the limit!

Can I Learn Affiliate Marketing Easily? – Here’s What You Need to Know to Get the Answer:

If you really want to know if it is easy to learn affiliate marketing, then this article will help you get a clear idea.

And if you have no idea of what affiliate marketing is then you should first read my introductory post on affiliate marketing to understand its basic concepts.

So here are the most crucial and probably all of the things that you need to do to become an affiliate marketer.

  • Selecting a niche
  • Setting up a website
  • Choosing the affiliate marketplace
  • Setting up the blogging platform
  • Building your audience
  • Promoting the offers

Honestly, this is pretty much it. This post will cover all of these steps, and by the end, you will have a clear idea of whether it is easy to learn affiliate marketing for you or not.

Because ultimately, you are the one who would be doing the work, so it is up to you to decide whether working on these steps is easy enough for you or not. So let’s get started:

If there is one thing that can be called the base of your all affiliate marketing efforts, then it is unequivocally the niche.

And as important as selecting the niche is, it can also be a bit difficult to settle on one that not only you enjoy working on but also has an excellent earning potential.

1) Selecting a Niche:

So the first thing that you will need to do to discover an ideal niche is to look at your own passion. If there is a niche you are passionate about such as gardening, fitness, health, and fishing, etc. then that’s great.

But, if you don’t have anything in mind, you can explore the internet. You will find tons of niches by merely doing a bit of research on Google.

Now whether you pursue the niche you are passionate about, or you find it after some research, there are three main things that you need look for in any niche.

• Demand: The first thing that you will be looking for in a niche is the demand. You can just search your selected niche on Google Trends and see its history and the current popularity on a graph. You can also search your niche on Google Adwords (keyword finder tool) to see monthly search volume.

• money: Now obviously if there is demand then there will be sales, and you will get the commission. But, you should look at the affiliate offers in that niche and see if they are offering a good percentage of commission.

• Content: If there is a niche that is popular and also has money in it then now comes the content part. You need to ask yourself if you can easily create around 50 to 100 articles around that niche.

These things will give you a good idea if the niche you have selected is pursuable or not.

2) Setting up a Website:

This is a pretty straightforward part, and you don’t have to make any effort. There are four things that you need to set up a website.

• domain Name
• Hosting
• website builder
• Theme

A domain is the address of your website like ( There are tons of domain providers on the internet, and the popular ones include NameCheap and GoDaddy.

However, you can conduct your own research and settle on the one that has the best package for your needs.

Hosting will allow people to visit your domain; it brings the domain to life. There are also a plethora of hosting providers, and you can get the one that suits your needs and budget.

Furthermore, the website builder will allow you to set up the interface of your whole websites such as headers, footers, sidebars, toolbars, website pages, blog section and more.

Though the best and the beginner-friendly website builder is wordpress, there are many more out there including Wix,, and Squarespace, etc. You can select the one that you find the easiest to use.

The last part is about giving a visual appeal to your website which is done by using a theme. There are both free and premium themes.

If you find it hard to select any one theme, just go for a simple one that is easy to customize. You can change the theme later if it doesn’t work out for you.

3) Choosing Affiliate Marketplace:

Now comes the part where you select the affiliate network (a marketplace with affiliate offers). You may have already come across the affiliate marketplaces when searching for your niche. But now you will dig deeper.

There are many affiliate networks including ClickBank, Peerfly, MaxBounty and of course amazon.

If you want to work on the Amazon Affiliate program, then you should take a look at one of our guide on affiliate marketing with Amazon.

But if you want to promote offers from other affiliate networks, then you can use AffPaying, which is a platform that tells you the rankings and ratings of affiliate networks with reviews from people who are currently working on them.

This will help you decide the best platform.

And once you have selected the platform, you need to choose the offer in your niche. In general, look for the offers within your niche that have $35 or more commission for physical goods.

And if you are promoting cost per action or CPA offers then look for the ones with over $1 commission.

4) Setting up the Blogging Platform:

Now that you have the niche, your website is ready, and you have selected an affiliate network and the offer, your next step is to start writing content around your niche.

This is the most crucial part when it comes to getting success in your selected niche.

You need to make sure that your content is around your niche and is targeted towards genuinely helping your readers and not just promoting your offers.

The secret to getting more sales is by not trying to sell but in attempting to help your potential customers solve their problem.

So write on the topics that your audience can find helpful and then you can suggest your products in the blog posts as the solution to their problems.

For instance, if your niche is in fitness and you are promoting the Keto Diet Plan. Then you can talk about why losing weight will make one healthy and what are some practical tips for losing weight.

And then you can also suggest to your reader that he/she should explore Keto Diet as well.

There are several types of blog posts that you can write. Some can be very helpful, and evergreen posts like tips on weight loss, and some can be reviews of products you are promoting.

5) Building Your Audience:

Now that you have started sharing content on your website, you will need exposure, and for that, you will have to build an audience. Here are a few ways to bring visitors:

• Social Media: Promote the content that you are writing on social media platforms. Join related groups on facebook and promote your website. Build an Instagram page and promote your website there.

• seo: Learn basic SEO from successful digital marketers like Neil Patel or Brian Dean, implement their strategies and organically rank in Google’s search engine.

• Paid Advertising: Use Facebook, Instagram, and Google Adwords to promote your website and bring visitors.

Tip: You can also directly promote the blog post where you have reviewed the product you are promoting and get traffic on that page.

• Guest Posting: Ask well-established blogs in your niche to allow you to post an article on their blog so their readers can also explore your website.

• List Building: Add pop-ups on your website asking your visitors to provide their emails so that they can be notified when you post new articles. You can also offer them an e-book as a gift if they provide their email addresses.

If you only just do these things, your website will slowly but gradually start to grow and get more audience.

6) Promoting Your Offers:

Now that you will have some traffic coming to your website, you will start to get some sales but to further increase your sales and achieve optimality, you will have to promote your offers.

The first thing that you should do is to put up the banners of your offers on your website. People can just click on these banners, go straight to the product page and make a purchase.

Secondly, you can start leveraging the email list that you have built. You can send a promotional email to your audience.

But, first, make sure to have some interaction with your audience and create a relationship with them and then send them promotional emails with your affiliate links to increase your chances of making sales.

You can also embed links of products in your blog posts as discussed above to provide people with a product that can solve their problem.

Just make sure that you naturally embed the link where it should be used and not where it doesn’t make any sense.

Over to You

So now that you have read the article till the end, you may have gotten the answer to your question; can I learn affiliate marketing easily? And we are sure that your answer is YES because honestly, it is a piece of cake once you know what you are doing.

If you still have any questions related to affiliate marketing or whether you can learn it or not, you can always ask in the comments.

Furthermore, if you want to properly learn the art of affiliate marketing and grow your digital assets, you can always join the biggest affiliate marketing communities; Wealthy Affiliates and Income School.

They have all the tools, courses and help that you need to become a master affiliate marketer.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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