How To Build A Blog That Gets Consistent Visitors

How to Build a Blog That Gets Consistent Visitors

Building a blog is easy—just sign-up for an account on a platform of your choosing, and then start yanking out those posts. But getting consistent traffic? That is easier said than done.

So, how do you build a blog that gets consistent visitors? Is there a magic formula to get this done? There are steps that you could follow, which I will discuss with you today.

These are: 

  • Register on Google Search Console
  • Publish Quality Consistently
  • Site Must Have Fast Page Load
  • Focus on User-Friendly UI
  • Use Notification Channels
  • Market Your Blog Posts

These six steps are all important and non-negotiable. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a clear idea of how to build a blog that gets high-quality traffic from Google.

Register on Google Search Console

The first thing you have to do is to register your site on Google. Regardless of the platform, you are using registration is easy. In WordPress, you can use a plug-in called Site Kit, so you no longer have to code.

Why is this important? Google crawls the web every day. The thing is, it cannot crawl all your pages at the same time, and it can take a while before Google discovers you. If Google does not know that your blog exists, it cannot index your blog posts.

The other benefit of being on Google Search Console (GSC) is that you can see if your web pages are mobile-friendly or not. With this tool, you know how Google looks at your website, and you can correct errors that prevent Google from indexing your site.

All you need to register your website is a Google account. To complete the registration, you have to paste a code snippet in your blog’s heading tags—you need to do this so Google can verify your ownership of the website.

Publish Quality Consistently

There is no magic number of blog posts that you have to publish per month. What you need to do is to publish consistently. If you don’t, Google will not pay that much attention to you.

Google crawls millions of websites every day. If it notices that your website does not have new content, the algorithm will think that your website is abandoned. If this happens, your site will not get ranked, and you will not get consistent traffic.

Quality is also of the utmost importance. Google is now so smart that it can figure out if your content is great or mediocre.

Here are some tips to help you deliver high-quality content:

  • Publish long posts
  • The posts must answer a customer’s inquiry
  • They have to be concise and not full of fluff
  • They must be original, not scraped from other sites

Google does not like websites that do not offer value. Before you hit that Publish button, you have to make sure that your content has information that is helpful, original, and accurate. If you cannot do this consistently, you need to hire an affordable freelance writer who can do it for you regularly.   

Site Must Have Fast Page Load

Your site speed must be at the very least at an average level so you can get consistent traffic. If not, Google will not rank your page, and those who know you will not come back.

Website speed is crucial to traffic. On average, people leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load. That is how impatient people are. If they leave, your bounce rate is recorded in Google—and this can affect your ranking.

Again, low ranking means no one can see your blog posts.

To know how fast your website loads, you can use tools like GMetrix—these are free online tools that will crawl your blog and check how fast it loads. You will see a score and if you are in red, it means that your website needs some fixing.

Below the results of the GMetrix test, you will see the issues that make your website slow. Click on each and fix them one by one. Your goal is to score at least yellow on your next test.

Focus on User-Friendly UI

You can also achieve consistent traffic if you have a friendly user interface. What this means is that you have to keep your website as clean as possible—use minimalist style themes and remove unimportant clutter from your pages.

Do not get tempted to fill your pages with ads—these are annoying, and they make readers leave. What you want is a website that is easy to navigate. If your customers had a good time, they are likely to sign-up for your email list or allow themselves to be notified via their browsers if you have a new post.

Customers who had a bad experience with your site—maybe your site is clunky or difficult to explore—will never come back. Each site visitor you lose is lost traffic, which takes you further away from your goal of getting consistent visits.

Use Notification Channels

There are several notification channels that you can use. The most common is the email list. In exchange for an email magnet, you can get a site visitor’s email address. Once you have that, you can program your autoresponder to send email notification every time you publish a new post.

Another notification channel you can use is browser notification. With this tool, a site visitor who wants to get notified will see a pop-up on his browser every time you publish a post. If people are subscribed to you and they get a notification, they will come back to your blog and read.

The last method is via social media. You must build pages on different social media channels, and then encourage your site visitors to follow you. What happens next is that they will get notifications on their apps when you publish something new, but only if you publish the material on your social media pages.  

Market Your Blog Posts

The last tip to get consistent traffic is to market your blog posts. As expert digital marketers say, you must spend 40% creating content, and then 60% marketing your content.

There are many ways to market content, and here are a few:

  • Social media – post your blogs regularly
  • Advertising – pay for advertising in Google or social media 
  • Guest posting – post blogs on someone else’s website and leave your links
  • Forums – answer questions and help people—then leave your links in your profile.

The choice is yours. Marketing your post is as crucial as creating quality content. It is a tough job, but one that pays dividends over the long term.


Your blog is your asset. Think of it as a physical business—if it is dirty and difficult to use, no one is going to come back. No one is going to give positive feedback, and no one is going to recommend you. Your blog should focus on customer experience, and you have to make sure that every person who comes there has a meaningful time.

If you do not blog like it is a business, then it will never be a business. You will have trouble getting consistent traffic, and the blog will require a lot of work to correct the mistakes you have done in the past. Follow these steps when you build a blog and watch your traffic grow.

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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