Blogs About Books: How To Market Books And Their Content In A Blog

Blog About Books

Are you thinking about starting a blog about all of the fantastic books you read? If you enjoy reading and writing, then creating a blog dedicated to both of those could be a great creative outlet for you. 

Many people enjoy reading books but don’t always have the time to sit down and read an entire novel. Through your blog about books, you may even be able to persuade people to pick up a good book again. 

Plus, an upside to blogging is that you can make money from it! As long as you have the time and dedication you can go far in the blogging world especially when blogging about books. 

Keep reading for our guide on how to market books and their content your very own blog. 

Pick a Name and Blogging Platform

Once you’ve finally decided that blogging is right for you, then you’re going to need to create a blog and come up with a name. Make sure to create a blog on one of the many blogging platforms that feels right to you. There are plenty of advantages and disadvantages to each platform but you’re going to want to pick the one that works best for you. 

The name of your blog can be many different things but it should be something that relates to either you or books or a combination of the two. Try not to do anything related to your age or year because over time this will become obsolete. Since you’re going to be blogging about books, then a play on words or relating it to your favorite book character is an awesome idea. 

Make a Schedule For Yourself

starting a blog can be a huge time commitment so you should create a schedule for yourself. Creating a blogging schedule has many benefits for you as well as for your readers. When you create a schedule, then your readers will know exactly when you will post which is a great way to keep them coming back

On the other hand, creating a schedule for you is also very important. Even if you start off your schedule by posting once a week or even once a month creating a schedule is important. If you’re blogging multiple times a week, then you should also set a time that you publish your blog posts. 

Decide What to Blog On

When you’re first starting out you’re going to find that there are many different ways you can write a blog post about books. For example, you could go the classic way and just stick with writing reviews on books. Writing a review is an awesome way to tell people about a book and try to persuade them to also read it. 

Another kind of blog post is to write an essay on a book. This can be done in so many different and unique ways. You can do a compare and contrast between a book and a movie. Or you could even find an underlying theme in a book that you want to expand on. 

One popular way to blog is to make lists! Lists are easy for people to read but they can also be very interesting. You could write a list of your favorite books in a specific genre or branch out and come up with your own creative list ideas. 

The way you blog depends on what you’re most comfortable writing. You also want to make sure that you find blogging fun and interesting so you can continue to do it. Make sure you write posts that are fun to you and that you would enjoy reading. 

Amp Up Your Social Media

A great way to start promoting your blog and gaining more readers is by posting about it on your social media. You can either use your own personal social media or create social media specifically for your blog but building and gaining followers is very important. 

Social media is a free way to market yourself as well as become a part of a community. You can follow other people who blog about books and interact with them. Make sure that your social media is very personable. You can use the same tone on your social media accounts that you use to write your blog posts so that it is cohesive. 

Another important aspect of social media as a blogger is promoting other bloggers’ content. This is a good way to build connections with the people within the book blogging community and helps each other out. 

Make Money Through Your Blog

Once you’ve started posting interesting content, created a blogging schedule, and gained a few readers, then you might be wanting to look into ways that you can make money through your blog. One great way to make money through your blog is by using affiliate marketing

affiliate marketing is a way to make money when readers click on affiliate links in your blog posts and purchase the items. There are many ways that you can start affiliate marketing for yourself but this is a good reason why you will want people to read the books you blog about. 

Another way to make money through your blog is to offer advertisement space. This is a great way to get paid by other companies who want to use your blog to advertise. Try to stick with brands and companies that you’re confident in and also trust. After all, you don’t want to recommend something to your readers that you wouldn’t purchase. 

Our last tip for making money through your blog is by selling and promoting products that you’ve created. If you’ve written a book or a guide, then you should promote that to your readers so they can buy it. When you gain an audience who trusts and believes in you, then you will go very far in the blogging world. 

Blogs About Books

Blogs about books are easy to create and they’re also interesting to read. Pick a starting point when you create your blog and then go from there. Every post will make you a better writer as well as a better blogger. 

Make sure to check out our page so you can start affiliate marketing on your blog right away. You can create your account and get started for free today! 

John Kilmerstone

I'm an Aussie living in Japan who enjoys traveling, photography, and blogging. Please visit this website and explore the wonderful world of blogging. Discover how to turn your passions and pastimes into an online business.

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