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How to Protect Your Website And Your Wallet from Domain Slamming Domain slamming is the fraudulent registration of a domain. It occurs when unscrupulous con artists send out emails to unsuspecting webmasters containing false...
URL Canonicalization: How To Use Canonical Tags On Your Website Sometimes, the URL of our blog page change even if we did not mean to do it. This normally happens if we decide to change the title of the blog post once it has... While writing your own content is the best way to go, there are many things that your audience needs that you cannot supply. This is why you need to curate... After working hard on your product line, you are now ready to launch. What you want, obviously is to make a lot of sales. Too many times, product launches just... There are dozens of web hosting service providers out there. Here are some, just to name a few: A2 HostingGoDaddySitegroundHostgatorBluehost The big question...
Alt Text Optimization: How To Optimize Your Website’s Images Using The Alt Text Attribute Alt Text stands for alternative text. This is the text you type to help computers identify what an image is about. The alt text is a separate text you type in your...